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Author Topic: Don't fall for the trap, the real crash has not begun yet!  (Read 1361 times)
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc (OP)
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February 14, 2014, 03:46:37 PM

This is just a temporary up, the whales are doing an extremely good job. I am, in fact, jealous at how EXCELLENT they perform their job.
I wish them good luck and I SINCERELY hope that they will make A LOT of money from noobs who panic sell/buy. This is a very well orchastrated crash, these are not people who were lucky when they bought bitcoins at $1, these are real investors and traders who know what they are doing.

I am not falling for this trap. I made a nice little profit from this fake ''up'' when I bought 'low' today, but I just sold my bitcoins & litecoins.

I am now waiting for the real crash, no more 'in between nice little profits' for me. Now, it's getting REAL dangerous and ANY drop can be the start of the crash. I don't take no risk no more.

I have a lot of money at stake, and I am not going to ''hodl'' my bitcoins, I will let you do that. I know where this is going, and I don't want to be holding bitcoins right now Smiley.

We're heading towards the 'capitulation' stage of the bubble.

And a LOT of people are in denial right now, but I really don't blame you. In fact, I would be in the same position if I didn't have more experience. I wish you a lot of good luck, and I hope that you will AT LEAST learn a lesson from this... and I hope it's not an expensive one, but I fear the worst.

Salute, my comrades. We may go down, but going down with style, we will.

**Plays dramatic music on the world's tiniest violin.**

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February 14, 2014, 04:01:29 PM


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February 14, 2014, 04:03:25 PM

Wow couldn't have replied any better.
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February 14, 2014, 04:12:43 PM

cool story bro
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February 14, 2014, 04:17:20 PM

cool story bro

original meme bro.

Kraken Account, Robbed/Emptied. Kraken say "Fuck you, its your loss":

Bitfinex victims. DO NOT TOUCH THE BFX TOKEN! Start moving it around, or trading it, and you will be construed as having accepted it as an alternative means of payment to your USD, BTC, etc.
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February 14, 2014, 04:20:15 PM

One more weak hand scared out of the market.

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Yeah! I hate ShroomsKit!

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February 14, 2014, 04:27:34 PM

Hahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahah ahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha hahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahah ahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahaha haahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahah aahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha ahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaa hahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaah ahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaha hahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahah ahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahaha hahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahah ahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaha hahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahah ahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha hahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahah ahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahaha haahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahah aahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha ahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaa hahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaah ahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaha hahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahah ahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahaha hahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahah ahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaha hahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahah ahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahah

YOU are about to panic buy Bro.
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc (OP)
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February 14, 2014, 04:33:08 PM

Nope, I sold at a nice profit Smiley.
This is a classic weekend pump.

It took many days to drop to this level.
And it shoots back up faster within a few minutes?

Lol. Like everyone who sold or waited emailed each other and decided when to buy.
Whales are pumping it, little fish are panic buying. HUGE dump is incoming. So many people will panic buy now.

Buy orders set at $150 Smiley.
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February 14, 2014, 05:25:11 PM

Nope, I sold at a nice profit Smiley.
This is a classic weekend pump.

It took many days to drop to this level.
And it shoots back up faster within a few minutes?

Lol. Like everyone who sold or waited emailed each other and decided when to buy.
Whales are pumping it, little fish are panic buying. HUGE dump is incoming. So many people will panic buy now.

Buy orders set at $150 Smiley.

You didn't say what level you sold at.

"There is only one thing that is seriously morally wrong with the world, and that is politics. By 'politics' I mean all that, and only what, involves the State." Jan Lester "Escape from Leviathan"
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc (OP)
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February 14, 2014, 05:28:40 PM

Nope, I sold at a nice profit Smiley.
This is a classic weekend pump.

It took many days to drop to this level.
And it shoots back up faster within a few minutes?

Lol. Like everyone who sold or waited emailed each other and decided when to buy.
Whales are pumping it, little fish are panic buying. HUGE dump is incoming. So many people will panic buy now.

Buy orders set at $150 Smiley.

You didn't say what level you sold at.

First bought at $4. Sold at $30 Litecoins a while back (several weeks ago I think).
Then bought back at $20. Then sold at $25. Then bought back at $19.
Then sold at $23.8. Bought earlier today at $13. And sold at $16. Like a boss.

Now I am holding my precious fiat till it drops back to $10 (inevitable, one of these days).
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February 14, 2014, 05:31:37 PM

Trend is still down.

But unless you have a crystal ball, a winning strategy sure as hell aint to sell when everybody else is.

Now's the time to be buying... buying all the way down progressively through the dip.  Who knows if it hits your $150 price point.  If it does I'm celebrating... cause I have orders all they way to that point and lower.  But if it doesn't what are you going to do when the trend turns? Stay on the sidelines?  Or panic buy in (like every other weak hand)?
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February 14, 2014, 05:36:14 PM

Nope, I sold at a nice profit Smiley.
This is a classic weekend pump.

It took many days to drop to this level.
And it shoots back up faster within a few minutes?

Lol. Like everyone who sold or waited emailed each other and decided when to buy.
Whales are pumping it, little fish are panic buying. HUGE dump is incoming. So many people will panic buy now.

Buy orders set at $150 Smiley.

You didn't say what level you sold at.

First bought at $4. Sold at $30 Litecoins a while back (several weeks ago I think).
Then bought back at $20. Then sold at $25. Then bought back at $19.
Then sold at $23.8. Bought earlier today at $13. And sold at $16. Like a boss.

Now I am holding my precious fiat till it drops back to $10 (inevitable, one of these days).

What about the bitcoins?

"There is only one thing that is seriously morally wrong with the world, and that is politics. By 'politics' I mean all that, and only what, involves the State." Jan Lester "Escape from Leviathan"
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc (OP)
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February 14, 2014, 05:42:36 PM

Nope, I sold at a nice profit Smiley.
This is a classic weekend pump.

It took many days to drop to this level.
And it shoots back up faster within a few minutes?

Lol. Like everyone who sold or waited emailed each other and decided when to buy.
Whales are pumping it, little fish are panic buying. HUGE dump is incoming. So many people will panic buy now.

Buy orders set at $150 Smiley.

You didn't say what level you sold at.

First bought at $4. Sold at $30 Litecoins a while back (several weeks ago I think).
Then bought back at $20. Then sold at $25. Then bought back at $19.
Then sold at $23.8. Bought earlier today at $13. And sold at $16. Like a boss.

Now I am holding my precious fiat till it drops back to $10 (inevitable, one of these days).

What about the bitcoins?

Don't trade that much in BTC.
Bought BTC only to get it into exchanges & trade for fiat or Litecoins Tongue.

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February 14, 2014, 05:58:42 PM

Allow me to direct you...
bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc (OP)
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February 14, 2014, 06:00:30 PM

Allow me to direct you...

Why should I? I still buy & sell bitcoins.
Only not that much. But still do. And my ''not that much'' is probably A LOT more than the average trader's ''normal''.
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