October 04, 2011, 04:08:18 PM |
If my receiving address in the client is fL8P1QjhrwCmFQ4yLiVsDpAENXoQvzWXLR, should that show in the block explorer?
Not until you actually receive somthing with it. Addresses only show up in the block explorer when they exist in the block chain, which only happens when they have at least one transaction. http://blockexplorer.sytes.net/address/fL8P1QjhrwCmFQ4yLiVsDpAENXoQvzWXLRSo mined blocks don't count then?
October 04, 2011, 04:12:06 PM |
So mined blocks don't count then?
What do mined block have to do with your receiving address which actually never received anything? I don't get it.
October 04, 2011, 04:15:57 PM |
Well, when a block is generated, the block explorer indicates that it goes to an address, with an amount of 25.
If one searches such address, they find the generated block. I just assumed that mining a block was a form of receipt which would show up in the explorer.
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1020
October 04, 2011, 05:13:57 PM |
a little marketing would do fairbrix good. what about cleaning up the first post of this thread and summing up the features and the main difference to tenebrix? I do not see the early fork as a problem. also with tenebrix there probably are people having plenty of coins brix. Who will start the first exchange? with api? the startup will just not work without it. if one should start I will put up a small page with some basic stats. or if bitcoinExpress pays me some of his booty. 
coblee (OP)
Activity: 1654
Merit: 1354
Creator of Litecoin. Cryptocurrency enthusiast.
October 06, 2011, 10:41:29 PM |
a little marketing would do fairbrix good. what about cleaning up the first post of this thread and summing up the features and the main difference to tenebrix? I do not see the early fork as a problem. also with tenebrix there probably are people having plenty of coins brix. Who will start the first exchange? with api? the startup will just not work without it. if one should start I will put up a small page with some basic stats. or if bitcoinExpress pays me some of his booty.  I cleaned up the first post. Good enough?
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1020
October 07, 2011, 02:21:49 PM |
a little marketing would do fairbrix good. what about cleaning up the first post of this thread and summing up the features and the main difference to tenebrix? I do not see the early fork as a problem. also with tenebrix there probably are people having plenty of coins brix. Who will start the first exchange? with api? the startup will just not work without it. if one should start I will put up a small page with some basic stats. or if bitcoinExpress pays me some of his booty.  I cleaned up the first post. Good enough? great. how did you manage to get the links not working?  btw. I think I never copied the .conf file... I had the feeling tenebrixportable would use the one in /Data/fairbrix_files
October 07, 2011, 07:37:32 PM |
Same for me here, never copied the .conf file but it seems to be working fine. a little marketing would do fairbrix good. what about cleaning up the first post of this thread and summing up the features and the main difference to tenebrix? I do not see the early fork as a problem. also with tenebrix there probably are people having plenty of coins brix. Who will start the first exchange? with api? the startup will just not work without it. if one should start I will put up a small page with some basic stats. or if bitcoinExpress pays me some of his booty.  I cleaned up the first post. Good enough? great. how did you manage to get the links not working?  btw. I think I never copied the .conf file... I had the feeling tenebrixportable would use the one in /Data/fairbrix_files
Activity: 889
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin calls me an Orphan
October 08, 2011, 10:26:58 PM |
Interesting.. 6888 blocks so far...
Mining Both Bitcoin and Litecoin.
October 08, 2011, 11:55:16 PM |
Why doesn't lolcust attack and kill this again !?
October 09, 2011, 12:31:04 AM |
Why doesn't lolcust attack and kill this again !?
good idea, it's really a scam copycat chain
October 09, 2011, 12:33:07 AM |
It is very similar to Tenebrix no doubt, but I don't think how it is going to be a scam.
October 09, 2011, 12:34:11 AM |
It is very similar to Tenebrix no doubt, but I don't think how it is going to be a scam.
It has not got an exchange so I cannot pump and dump it !!!
Activity: 889
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin calls me an Orphan
October 09, 2011, 01:01:21 AM |
What is there to kill? Until it gets an exchange I dont think people will mine it.. Unless you can trade it for something whats the point?
Mining Both Bitcoin and Litecoin.
October 09, 2011, 01:08:48 AM |
Then, do not mine it. No one is taking out a gun and forcing you to mine Fairbrix, there are quite a lot of other coins for you to try. It is very similar to Tenebrix no doubt, but I don't think how it is going to be a scam.
It has not got an exchange so I cannot pump and dump it !!!
October 09, 2011, 01:11:06 AM |
Then, do not mine it. No one is taking out a gun and forcing you to mine Fairbrix, there are quite a lot of other coins for you to try. It is very similar to Tenebrix no doubt, but I don't think how it is going to be a scam.
It has not got an exchange so I cannot pump and dump it !!! Sure, I will go with scammer's Bitcoin / Tenebrix. Or rather SC2 as that shows great promise ATM. All the other scam coins can perish.
coblee (OP)
Activity: 1654
Merit: 1354
Creator of Litecoin. Cryptocurrency enthusiast.
October 09, 2011, 01:13:11 AM |
What is there to kill? Until it gets an exchange I dont think people will mine it.. Unless you can trade it for something whats the point?
I guess those early bitcoin adopters were stupid to mine 1000 bitcoins a day way back when there were no bitcoin exchanges around.
Activity: 889
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin calls me an Orphan
October 09, 2011, 01:17:09 AM |
I guess those early bitcoin adopters were stupid to mine 1000 bitcoins a day way back when there were no bitcoin exchanges around.
You have a good point there
Mining Both Bitcoin and Litecoin.
October 09, 2011, 01:20:07 AM |
Tenebrix and GG founder did a good job having pools and exchanges in place. But Fairbrix seemed to be more of a reaction to Tenebrix, not being able to get the exchanges or pools up does not mean that they are scammers, it just mean that they are less efficient or have less resources than Tenebrix and GG. Who knows, maybe a month or two, such exchanges and pools may spring up.
Activity: 889
Merit: 1000
Bitcoin calls me an Orphan
October 09, 2011, 01:35:03 AM |
I just like the fact that there isnt 7.7 million pre-mined coins.. a lot!
However, is there support behind this Coin? Development?
Mining Both Bitcoin and Litecoin.
October 09, 2011, 01:37:15 AM |
Well, that's my worry too, that's why I am mining more of Solidcoin 2 as the earlier Solidcoin has shown a lot of good organization.