February 15, 2014, 05:07:55 AM |
Anybody got any advice on this problem........
I recently purchased 2 new Sapphire R9 290X 4GB GDDR5 DUAL DVI-D/HDMI/DP TRI-X OC cards. Installed one in my spare machine and got it working no problem, is currently mining at 935kh/s so all good there.
On my main machine I attempted to get one of these cards to work alongside and Nvidia card which I was going to have run both my monitors on this machine......is a 2 monitor machine I work on. I got them to work but could not mine, after a little frustration I decided I would chuck the Nvidea and order another one of these Sapphire r9 290x cards to run 2 of them on my main, figured I could mine both at full throttle when not using the machine. Get the Nvidia out and the AMD in, installed drivers.......all was going great, both displays were functioning normally.
THEN all hell broke loose as they say, I started CMiner and it stopped with an error........not sure what it said as it happened too fast. Almost instantly upon this error popping up, my second monitor went all haywire, got all distorted and crazy. I rebooted, second monitor still just garbage display. Turned that monitor off in settings, then main monitor freaked out and screen went blank. It's almost as if I either damaged the card with CGMiner or just got a bad card or something, but wanted to check to see if anyone had any advice for me as I am new to all this and have never seen a card do this before!
Here is the config I am using successfully on my spare machine with the same card and what I attempted to run on the main machine when it freaked out on me..........
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 cgminer.exe -I 20 --worksize 256 --thread-concurrency 33792 --gpu-memclock 1500 --gpu-engine 1025 --gpu-powertune 20
{ "pools" : [ { "url" : "stratum+tcp://pool1.cryptopoolmining.com:4511", "user" : "worker1", "pass" : "password" } ], "scrypt" : true, "kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin" }