- At times when F@H is down and there are no rewards, why would anyone waste power to confirm transactions?
Transaction fees? It will be merge-mined anyway, so the miners would be collecting coins in other currencies as well.
- What if someone greedy at F@H rigs stuff to make it look like an address belong to himself did work?
The F@H team will effectively have the ability to print money. I've said that earlier--each BOINC (@home) project would have complete control over the crypto-token currency tracking their project. They could chose to rig the system and profit until the deception is discovered (assuming people ever trusted them enough to open an exchange in the first place). Or they could choose the play by the rules and benefit from an expanded userbase.
I work with scientists who run these sorts of projects--none of them are in it for the money. Yes, anyone has a price, but I seriously doubt these blockchains would ever trade for significant real-world dollars, and the science return and community reputation they'd get from having a strong currency tracking their project would far outweigh (in their minds) any short-term profit from cheating their users.
Is that naïve? I'll let you decide, but we *are* talking about small change here, assuming anyone ever opens an exchange in the first place.
- What if the F@H project is terminated? I assume more than one project will be involved, but if something happens to a major one it could create a shock.
The currency would continue, but I expect that it would quickly lose value as the project is wound down.
- Who decides what projects are included? What prevents someone for gaining free computing for his for-profit project?
There's a separate blockchain for each project (there's over 60 active BOINC projects out there, last time I checked). Part of our “secret sauce” is a trick that lets us integrate with BOINC projects without any commitment or involvement from them--it will work out of the box with every project out there.
- What happens when Bitcoin is x1000000 times the size of F@H and you have the whole world's economy relying on a few obscure charities?
Unless you have some magic solution, I think you're completely missing the point of why Bitcoin's decentralization is so important. The solution to the "wastefullness" of hashing should be in the form of allowing more security with less resources (eg branch selection based on proof-of-stake and bitcoin days destroyed).
I think you're completely missing the point of this project, and are far too serious
. This is people collecting bottle caps and baseball cards; it's crypto-token monopoly money--one-off blockchains that exist only for a short duration. Each currency is transitory by its very nature, lasting only as long as the associated project, before it dies off because no one cares.
If you participate in an @home project, you are already assigned “credit” (points) based on how much work you complete. All I'm saying is why not let people trade and exchange that credit? Just for shits and giggles.
Let me point out that there are many projects that help the world that aren't @home related, and many of which would allow you to confirm that there has been work regularly.
All in due time