Here is the evidences of massive trust abuse of this forum bully, note that he has tagged me after I called him out to be a trust abuser. literally when you speak against somebody they should tag you with red right?
I have evidence to back up my claims, why did you tag me?
So you have handed out positive trust for somebody who is supporting your project?
Again, another supporter of his project, you can get a positive trust from this bully by supporting his project aka paying money to him in exchange receive green trust.
I think you are in bed with this member, that's why you have tagged so many people for extorting them allegedly. can we know the reason for this green trust? they have earned your trust maybe by paying you? who knows right? because there is no evidence and ref link we could say that you are in bed with this member.
So you got paid with money as your escrow fee and just handed out a positive trust? cool, nothing wrong with that right? you are trusted by default so whatever you say is legit? not.
Again, supporter of his project, I'm accusing you of selling green trust to this member because there is no reference link to prove otherwise, do you have any evidence to back this up? because I'm accusing you for selling green trust.
I think you were paid with money to hand out this positive trust, can you prove otherwise?
I strongly believe that you got paid with money to hand out this positive trust, can you prove otherwise?
I am accusing you of trust abuse by giving positive trust to these members with no reference, I think you were paid with money to tag them with green, can you prove otherwise?
You do use default trust in exchange of money you lying two face trust abuser.
Do you need more evidence from me? be my guest and check his
trust page OgNasty is a blatant trust abuser and he has been on this business for years. shame on you, you can't get away with such money you have earned.
EDIT: OgNasty is literally scamming other escrows by giving positive trust to people who'd use his escrow service to attract more clients for himself, to give an incentive to people so that they go and use his escrow services just to get a green trust score, in another words OgNasty is stealing the opportunity from other escrows by doing this. untrustworthy and unethical DT1 member and he should not be trusted and hold any power here.