That's fantastic.
Multisigs are often used for trustless escrow, I guess many spends from them will be to two addresses. Another useful measure, if it's not too much trouble, could be to plot the proportion of multisig spends to exactly two addresses, and out of those, the % fee for arbitration. So in the tx I linked above the fee was 8%. Would be interesting to see the going rate.
That would be interesting to learn! At the moment I'm logging payments TO multisig addresses: the address, txid, vout, block, time block was published.
My script died due to a typo at the first pay-to-script-hash address: this was actually in 170052. I've just restarted my script, it'll take a while to finish. I'll run a second report on the finished data, to scan for inputs in multisig addresses which were spent, giving us a new: from_address, txid, vout, the redeemScript (encodes the public keys, and 'm of n'), and amount.
We should be able to learn:
- was it a 1-of-2, 2-of-2, 2-of-3?
- how long did the funds sit in the multisig address until they were paid?
- how much the escrow fee was in a 2-of-3, if there are two outputs.
- I think I should be able try identify payments from themarketplace.i2p, since out of (buyerPubKey, vendorPubKey, adminsPubKey), I heard that the buyer just clicks finalize and the admin signs. So, out of all payments leaving 2-of-3 addresses, how many were signed by the last two public keys?
Who actually has a site with multisig at the moment? We should be able to see a spike when anyone starts to play with them.
I'll try put up a site showing metrics on multisig addresses once I get a set of data to work with.