nice move, dumping all your swapped sprouts... what a shitty move.
Hello @dellzxd,
Auxilium will never dump Sprouts, and knowingly hurt the market. We have said this before. This has never been our intension, and still is not. We have started Auxilium as Sprouts holders for the Sprouts community.
I have had a look at the market just now, and see someone (not us) is trying to dump 237 billion SPRTS on the market at once. This kind of behaviour indeed hurts the market. I think it is very likely this is a long time Sprouts holder who wants to sell for DOGE, so he/she can buy Bitcoin, in order to be there for the next bullrun. Like many people, resulting in more small coins going down, because people rather invest in Bitcoin now.
Important in this scenario is: Sprouts has had an hard fork, which took away the 2% daily interest. Someone with 237 billion SPRTS could have been someone who could live from Sprouts interest, and now all of a sudden sees the interest/his living nearly totally disappear, without the hyperinflated supply problem solved, which leaves this Sprouts holder with a giant bag of Sprouts on a DOGE market with very low trade volumes (high supply - low demand = lower price).
Again: not the Auxilium team you have to worry about when thinking about dumping on the market. We hope people who stay with Sprouts see better days soon and that the HF pays off. But for now the result of the HF is, just have a look at the Sprouts Bitcointalk (just an observation, no guessing:, a lot of disappointed people, and confused people who did not know about the hard fork (and lost their Sprouts, because of cross-chain transactions). People are talking about bringing the old Sprouts back. All of this negativity can not be good for a coins value can it...?
We still on a daily basis support people with their questions about Sprouts, the Sprouts wallets, etc.
Wish you all the best,
Kind regards,
Auxilium Team