FutureToken DETAILS
Token Sales
Send ETH to FTT Contract address: 0xb4dc5f28a2b16f300ffd7cd2e83b1aa8deaaed40
Minimum 0.005ETH to recieve 25,000 FTT
0.01ETH to recieve 50,000 tokens
0.1 ETH to recieve 500,000 tokens
1 ETH to receive 5,000,000
Only 1,000,000,000 tokens available for public. Any amount above the minimum will give equivalent FTT,
any amount below will be a donation.
Block explorer:
https://etherscan.io/token/0xb4dc5f28a2b16f300ffd7cd2e83b1aa8deaaed40Address: 0xb4dc5f28a2b16f300ffd7cd2e83b1aa8deaaed40
Use Erc20 token wallet to send ETH and you will receive your tokens in few minutes.
We are airdropping 5000 FTT = $100 & 500 FTT = $10 referral bonus to each participant that completes our task.
Airdrop will be for only 5000 persons who completed our task.
Token Profile FTT symbol
Token Name: FutureToken
Token Symbol: FTT
Total Supply: 5,000,000,000 FTT
ICO Offer: 1,000,000,000 FTT
Airdrop & Bounty: 1,000,000,000 FTT
Development: 500,000,000 FTT
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