The Consensus of Open Network Platform Consensus of Open Network Platform
The consensus algorithm is based on DPoS(Delegated Proof of Stake).
All the processes could be divided into a few steps:
1. Once a day, the stakeholders choose their representatives
by voting
2. Voting power is determined by coin age and amount of coins
3. Most voted representatives form validators pool
1. Validators pool is shuffled every N minutes
2. Item-orders are assigned to each validator in the pool
3. Validator matches item-order with item-profiles in a FIXED
amount of time
4. Matched list is checked by the item-order owner and other
validators in the pool
5. IF steps 3 and 4 are successful THEN validator responsible for matching the list and stakeholders that voted for them get their rewards
6. ELSE validator is suspended from the pool and stakeholders that voted for them is penalized. After that voting is performed urgently either to vote for a new validator or to expand the pool if needed
7. Item-order owner is notifie