We're excited to announce a cryptocurrency tracking indicator signals, buy/sell volume. There are a lot of indicator but we only support most advanced cryptocurrency trading indicators : Bollinger Bands, MACD, RSI, EMA (EMA9, EMA21). Because more indicator need take more server resouce and cost.
Main Features at our website:
All indicator signals in one page :
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex Bollinger Bands signal:
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex/bbands MACD signal & Historgram graph:
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex/macd RSI signal, graph and Cluster candles:
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex/rsi EMA signal:
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex/ema Range 24h:
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex/range-24h Display 24h % change
Low price -> Current price %
High price -> Current price %
Low price -> High price %
High price -> Low price %
Pair details:
https://www.kryptorate.io/bitfinex/BTCUSD Show buy/sell volume
Indicators signal by intervals (5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h, 12h and 1d)
Tracking multiple technical indicator signals on one page : Bollinger Bands, MACD, RSI, EMA.
Note: We only provide signals for pairs has large volume. At Range 24h, we support altmost pairs of exchange.