For one: if this was your actual personal information, then I wouldn't quote it if I were you.
Could have done it in the heat of the moment.
Secondly: anyone with half a brain can find this "personal information" of yours.
No one has bothered so far.
Thirdly: Posting a live stream of your "daughter" and "wife", and then complaining about your name being posted? Yeah.
Everyone has the right to do this. Even you. Where's your wifecam?
Edit: Yongzoo Kim is Korean. You have Chinese characters in your sig.
한글은 한국거의지만 한국에서 한자도 많이써꺼든 >ㅂ<;;
Chinese symbols (Hanja) are used very often in Korean. Just as English gets its root words from Latin/greek/etc, Korean words have a root of Chinese. Even the government requires you to register your name at birth in Hanja (because even though there are 1 million 'kims' the word 'kim' is also 20 different symbols in Chinese).