Hi All ...
So can I safely assume that ALL these OS are Windows based?
When you all post hashrates, miners and parameters (under/over volt, etc) you never actually specify what the OS actually is, what the build of machine and PSU, what model cards and what applications are being used. I assume all this is Windows based, but that assumption only comes from some of the applications you refer to in your posts.
Does anyone have a Linux system running? If so, what system in reference to hardware, software and drivers? Is it running well or unstable? Links to anything that needs to be downloaded or is there some tutorial, on a step by step basis, as to how to build and install these cards, OS, Drivers, and miners/apps. specifically due to the fact that I am more a RHEL based OS Tech, not a Debian/Ubuntu based OS Tech. I know little about Debian/Ubuntu's workings and installation protocols.
I ask this not from a newbie standpoint, but a knowledge standpoint. I have come across this thread, and VERY interested now, as I dusted off a number of our old 'theFARM' cards from the previous CWI Mining Farm back in 2013. To be honest, I have had one HELL of a time with getting it all running under different Linux Distros (CentOS 7, Fedora 30, Ubuntu 16.xx, and a few others) all because of the ridiculous stance that AMD have on their driver releases NOT supporting these cards in the latest release.
I am personally against using ANY Windows OS, but it seems this is one of the very few, more 'solid' ways, of getting it all working with the drivers AMD release AND mining. Power, setup and components are not an issue for us as we host a number of Miners in our CWI theFARM, so this is more for an exercise in functionality and mining more than it is for 'profit' or 'money'.
So ANY help with this will be greatly appreciated, especially by those that have actually got these cards running in Linux. Though at this stage of the game with us, pulling any more hair out building these systems will not only send me bald, but crazy too, as I am even willing to infect our miners with Windows IF we have to
OK - enough bashing Windows
If there is such a step by step tutorial out there, or if someone can at least point me in a good direction, I will make sure this is added as part of our 'nostalgia' module of theFARM, and show the results of these here, and eventually on our website (when that is ever finished of course!).
One thing that was posted earlier I read was interesting. An Algo specifically for these cards and cards of the like/era. We at CWI have a number of algos that we could test on these cards, the first of which will be implemented shortly on the redevelopment of one of our coins. If there is any success in building these cards to mine, we will locate an SGMiner/or-other-miner dev to build a miner for that Algo and set it up for testing here if you are all interested. Obviously the newer cards would do much better, but it would be a nice exercise in resurrection of these cards.
If anyone can help, has links, steps/guide, or knows anyone that does, please let me know. We do not have any AMD specific devs, as we switched to nVidia a LONG time ago and have stayed with them. I would like to see these cards active again, and mining once more if possible, preferably under Linux, but not necessary at this juncture.