A relatively simple webservice, but it seemed like something where microtransactions might work out well and was easy enough to adapt so I figured I'd put it out there and see if anyone finds it useful.
http://random.greenishblue.infoIt was coded as part of a larger project, this particular piece however was too heavy computation-wise for the hardware I was running it on so I outsourced it to the cloud and setup a spot for me to grab the backgrounds as needed. What is does is generate unique images that are suitable for use as backgrounds. You can see the thumbnails on the page for examples, the fullsize images that are unlocked after payment are 7680x4320 pixels, big enough to look good at any standard monitor resolution or to print up to a fairly large size. If you buy one the rights to it are all yours, it will be completely deleted off the server once the download period is up and you can do whatever you want with it. Price is set at 0.10 BTC each, but if you find something else useful to do with them in large quantities I'd be willing to discuss volume discounts