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Author Topic: [ANN] CrowdWiz -The first decentralized, self-governed investment ecosystem  (Read 22025 times) (OP)
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October 17, 2018, 08:59:04 AM

It is very amazing to see, that we are at the start of something very promissing. CrowdWiz is still very unkown and underrated. I think all the supporters will be very surprised by this project in the future.

I would like to say without any doubt this is the hidden gem the team was busy to develop this platform. They are pushing this project with professional spirit without creating any fake hype like so many projects are doing this. I hope now they will start marketing to spread words about this tech to attract new investors.

Hey there! And thank you for your kind words!

You're more than welcome to test the Beta product >

And don't forget to share here your thoughts and suggestions for improvement! (OP)
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October 17, 2018, 09:00:53 AM

The dev team is working on optimizing the performance of the website. There was a service that was making constant calls to our API and that was causing the website to work slowly. Unfortunately this is applicable only for our Production environment and for this reason our QA team has not found it earlier. The functionality is working properly but due to the server instability you were experiencing most of the problems.

So the Beta should be working better in the upcomming days.

Indeed! The CrowdWiz team is working day and night on the Beta product. Come and see what we've developed so far >

And don't forget to share here your thoughts and suggestions for improvement! (OP)
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October 25, 2018, 08:12:41 AM
Last edit: December 12, 2018, 09:34:29 AM by

Dear Beta testers!

Our WizFund Beta is here for 2 weeks now and it only gets better with time! This wouldn't be possible without your efforts and tens of emails with your valuable observations, recommendations and ideas for future improvements.

You're welcome to keep up the good work at: Let's discuss what we are all experiencing during the Beta journey here, at Bitcointalk!

Your wish is our command and our team works day and night to fix the bugs that you've reported so far:

* Resolving some visual issues on laptop resolutions such as 1440x900, 1366x768 and others

* Ballot creator will automatically vote for approval after the ballot comes in Ongoing state

* Thanks to Andi who is an important part of our Telegram community we are working on creating an inline validation for the "Create proposal" functionality which will notify the customers if they are entering wrong data during the "Create proposal" process

* We are working on resolving the chat issues so that our customers can interact better in the Beta

* We are fixing the count down timer for the proposals so that each user is aware when the next ballot will become active and when the ongoing one is ending

* Proposition history tab will give access to all data

* We are working on validations on our sign up page which will notify the users that they have already registered

* Thanks to Kamil Otwinowski and Kingsley we are working on improving the looks and feel of our Forgot password page

* Trades History page - we will start calculating only realized profit which would mean that the Profit column will be available only if we have a Sell Trade

* Chart - we have increased the numbers on chart so that the users have better tracking of the token price

* Internal changes - we are doing some internal changes that will improve the stability and performance of the Beta

* Special thanks to our community members who are doing an awesome job in helping us - Kingsley, Infinity, Raul, Andi, Serhii Bilotserkivets, Kamil Otwinowski, Jose Roberto Oliveira!

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October 26, 2018, 12:07:49 PM

Big news the team decided to launch the beta version of this platform I just submit my details to get early access there. Dev did a hard job to make this possible so hopefully they will provide better solution in coming days.

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October 29, 2018, 02:50:51 PM

CrowdWiz Granted Estonian Crypto Licenses, Facilitating New Expansion!!!

Read more here >>>

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October 29, 2018, 04:05:00 PM

^ that is really good news!! I hope that the WIZ exchange will be there soon ! (OP)
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November 09, 2018, 11:45:24 AM
Last edit: December 12, 2018, 02:14:55 PM by

WizFund Beta — End User Guide

Become a proud WizFund Beta-tester and use our Step-by-Step guide to fully utilize its boundless features.

Registration and Login forms

The beta can be accessed on All users who have requested spot for the beta will receive an email that will require verification. Once the verification is done they will be able to login to their account. All users who did not request a spot for the beta will need to go over the registration process.

Login form
On first load of the user will see the login form.

In order to login to his account the user will need to enter the user name and password that he used to register. In case of wrong credentials used, the system will display an error message saying that the user is entering wrong credentials.

Forgot Password page
In case the user is not sure about his credentials on the login page, there is a “Forgot password” link allowing the user to reset his password. In order to do so the user will need to enter the email with which he registered and hit the send button. The system will send an email template with a token allowing the user to reset his password. On the front-end part the user will see a Confirmation message.

After you go to your email you will find the email that will allow you to reset your password. Please note that it may be located in your spam folder. When the user clicks on “Reset your password” he will be redirected to the page where he can set a new password for his account. On success the user will see the confirmations screen with a link to the Login page:

Registration Page

In case the user does not have an account he can register for the beta via “Request a spot”. The registration process is simple and the user will need to only enter a valid email and password. There is a validation for the page in the following cases:

- user entered an email which is not valid
- user entered passwords that do not match
- user is trying to register an already existing user
- user did not enter all required fields

Funds page
Overview screen which displays the two available WizFunds which the user can Enter.

*for the Beta we will allow the users to enter both funds so that they can get a better understanding of every fund’s structure and how it operates.

The difference between the funds is related to the voting power which investors will have. In the first fund “The Fellowship of the equals” investors must have equal voting rights, while in the other “Game of tokens” investors with more tokens/shares will have more voting power

On the overview screen investors will see a short summary for each of the funds which include:

- Name
- Description
- Number of investors
- Start date
- Value of the fund in BTC
- Token price in BTC
- Change in token price for the past 24hours
- Enter button which will send the user to the Fund room

Portfolio Screen

Portfolio screen is the part of the fund where the user can see the fund performance and statistic.

Fund Summary

Fund Summary section is the part of the portfolio screen where the user can see the performance of the fund and its holdings. Fund Summary section includes:

Value — Displays the total value of the fund
Formula — Value of the fund = Holdings Value + Available to Invest Amount
Holdings Value — Displays the sum of all assets’ prices if they are sold on the current market price
Formula — Holdings Value = (Amount of Asset 1 x Current Market Price) + (Amount of Asset 2 x Current Market Price) + etc.
Available to Invest — Displays free balance that is not invested in any holdings
Formula — Available to Invest = Value of the fund — Holdings Value
Return in % — Displays the return of the fund for the past 24h
Formula — Return = (Current Value of the fund — Value of the Fund at the start of the day)/Initial Value of the Fund*100
Token Price — Displays the current token price
Formula — Value of the Fund = Value of the Fund (at the current moment)/Total Number of tokens
Number of investors — Displays the total number of investors in the fund
Tokens in fund — Displays the total number of tokens in the fund

Fund Summary — (Pie chart)
There is an icon with pie chart which will switch the entire Fund summary section to Pie chart displaying the assets bought. In the middle it is displayed the Return in percentage for 24h. The pie chart displays up to 10 assets. Example: If we have 10 assets we will display all assets with their respective names, If we have 11 assets we will display the 10th asset as Other and on hover we will show a small pop up with the assets that are included in the section.

Performance chart
Line chart showing change of the tokens price. The user can use the zoom in and zoom out buttons for more in depth analysis of the performance

Fund holdings carousel

In this section are displayed all the fund holdings with their respective statistics. The number next to the name of the section shows the number of holdings

Asset — Name of the asset and symbol
Amount — amount of asset coins/tokens in the portfolio
Last update — time stamp of the last action with this asset
Format: dd/mm/yyyy
Purchase price — In case the fund has acquired several times the same Crypto Currency we will take all prices and make an average price on which the asset was purchased.
Formula — Weighted Average Price = (first price x shares) + (second price x shares) …/total number of shares
Market price — the current market price
Profit — unrealized profit, the profit which will be realized if the asset is sold on the current market price
Formula — Profit = (Market Price — Purchase price (if we have made several purchases of the same asset we will take the weighted average price))
Return — Displayed in %
Formula — Return = (Market Price — Average purchase price)/Average Purchase price *100

Latest activity
Table showing the last 3 proposals and their result.

o Asset — Symbol and abreviation

o Amount — Amount which was proposed to be bought

o Direction — Buy/Sell

o Vote — User’s Vote

o Outcome — approved or rejected

o Author — the creator of the proposal

“See All” link that will redirect the user to Proposition History for more detailed information on the ballots and their outcomes

Main purpose of this screen is to create investment propositions and decide if the ongoing investment proposals will be approved or rejected. There are two sub-menus — Ongoing and Upcoming.

Here we will display all ongoing ballots.

Fund Holdings Section
For user convenience we will display what are the fund holdings so that the user can easily refer to them without leaving the page. We will display Top 4 (scroll if there are more) and pie chart.

In this section the user will see details for ongoing proposal and be able to vote. The options in front of the user are:

Approve — positive vote
Reject — negative vote
Abstain — when the user wants to skip voting
There can be only one active investment proposition for which users can vote. After the user has placed his vote he will have the ability to change it and be given the option to vote again. There will be a confirmation pop up

The ongoing proposition details are:

Countdown timer — Showing the remaining time during which the ballot will be active
Author — User that created the proposal along with his avatar
Date on which the proposal was created
Asset — Asset Name
Direction — If the asset should be bought or sold
Amount — Amount that should be purchased
Description — if the description is too long we will have a scroll.
Result — ongoing result of the vote. e.g. 10 Approve | 5 Reject

Discussion board allowing the users to interact with each other giving them the ability to become more involved in the project

This is the section to which the user can refer when he wants to see what are the upcoming proposals. Propositions are queued according to their time of entrance. We will show a timer to display the remaining time till the Upcoming proposal becomes active. The format will be DD/HH/MM/SS

List of upcoming investment propositions will include: Timer, Author, Asset, Amount, Direction, Description. On click on “Learn More” the user can see the full description in a pop up

History page

Section with the fund activity history.

Propositions history

This section shows the ballots that have passed. They are ordered with the latest expired ballot on top. The page is similar to the Upcoming proposals with the difference that it shows also the end result of the voting

Result — Label with Result which is located on top
User Vote — under the label with the vote result the user can check what was his vote for the ballot
Vote statistic — at the bottom of the page you will see more detailed vote statistic with the exact number of user that voted for the proposition to be Approved or Rejected

Trade history

In this section the user can check all executed trades. After the ballot expires depending on the voting results if the ballot is approved a trade is executed and a fund holding is obtained.

The table will show to the user the following information

Start Date — Date on which the asset was bought
Buy Price — the price on which the asset was bought
Sell Price — the price on which the asset was sold (will be available only if we have a Sell trade)
Profit — Realized Profit — Will be calculated only when we have a SELL trade
Formula — Profit = (Market Price — Purchase price (if we have made several purchases of the same asset we will take the weighted average price*)
*the weighted average price is made from taking the orders starting from the one with the lowest price until the sell order amount is filled

Create Proposal form

Users are able to create investment propositions at any time by completing a form where they setup the proposal details.

To create a voting proposal an investor must define several parameters in the following order:

Action — buy or sell.
Asset — what asset will be purchased or sold. If the user press on Buy he/she will see the offered assets that can be bought and if the user press on Sell — the available assets in the fund.
Amount — how many units of the asset will be purchased, or how many units of the asset in the portfolio will be sold with a calculation showing what is the amount in the base currency. There is a validation on Buy if we have enough balance to make the purchase and for Sell if we have enough units to sell.
Duration — proposal duration, during which all investors can vote for the active proposal.
Description — In order to support its proposal, the investor must describe why his proposition will benefit the fund.


The user has a profile icon in the header. There he has his first and last name displayed along with his balance. Balance showing what is his current balance based on the fund performance. It will be calculated based on the Amount of Tokens x Token Price.

On click the user will see e a DDL with the following menus:

Personal Details

Switch Fund
Personal Details
When the user selects this menu he will see his current personal details. On click on edit he will be allowed to change his personal details:

Mail — not editable
Phone — editable
First name — editable
Last name — editable
Avatar — editable. We must set library of default Avatars and option to upload personal avatar.

Change Password

Change Password — On click this will show a pop up allowing the user to change his password

Security (2 factor authentication)

When the user access the Security menu he will be able to enable the 2 factor authentication. When the user goes to the section for the first time he/she is shown a QR code to scan and enable the feature:

To enable the feature user scans the QR code (or enters the manual one) on his Google Authenticator app and clicks on “VERIFY”. He sees a pop-up message, asking him to enter the current code, as shown on his phone:

If the user enters an incorrect code he receives an error message:

In case the correct code is enter the user receives a confirmation on-screen, that the feature is now enabled.

While the feature is enabled every time the user tries to log in he will be requested to enter a verification code which is generated in the mobile app authenticating that he is the owner of the account.

If the user wants to disable the feature he will need to use the same flow by accessing Security menu and verify via code that he is the owner of the account and disable the feature

Switch Fund

This is a navigational button allowing the user to be returned to the lobby where he can select a fund.

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November 15, 2018, 04:12:07 AM

^ that is really good news!! I hope that the WIZ exchange will be there soon !

another good news coming to this project,,
now Wiz token already listed on coinmarketcap my friend
hopefully the price could growing soon  Wink

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November 15, 2018, 07:14:54 PM

^ that is really good news!! I hope that the WIZ exchange will be there soon !

another good news coming to this project,,
now Wiz token already listed on coinmarketcap my friend
hopefully the price could growing soon  Wink

I think now time has been arrived to make it list on big exchanges too if dev will make some efforts to do this than it will bring positive impact on the growth of this token. After listing on CMC it became visible to more people and I hope this community will grow.
arjuna BTC
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BabelFish - FISH Token Sale at Sovryn

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November 16, 2018, 09:43:55 PM
Last edit: November 18, 2018, 12:56:23 AM by arjuna BTC

^ that is really good news!! I hope that the WIZ exchange will be there soon !

another good news coming to this project,,
now Wiz token already listed on coinmarketcap my friend
hopefully the price could growing soon  Wink

I think now time has been arrived to make it list on big exchanges too if dev will make some efforts to do this than it will bring positive impact on the growth of this token. After listing on CMC it became visible to more people and I hope this community will grow.

after listed on coinmarketcap this token growing more than 100% this is great price movements in this red market situations...
hopefully this is not a pump and dump activity,,, but a real demands on this project

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FISH token sale at Sovryn
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November 20, 2018, 07:09:44 PM

Wiz is currently undervalued token where the development is sitting right at the moment. I discovered this project the day this token debuted on CMC and picked up some seeing the total supply and marketcap realized immediately. I also got on board and will keep supporting and spreading word within my circle. This is just bargaining under $0.03 which will look strange in few months time.
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November 21, 2018, 07:42:12 PM

I do not know how functional your product is, but it looks very presentable. I immediately wanted to study it in more detail. Is it possible, for example, to select several coins and compare volatility in order to choose the most promising investment? (OP)
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November 28, 2018, 01:26:30 PM

Another mission accomplished: CrowdWiz on CoinMarketCap!

>>> (OP)
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November 28, 2018, 01:30:43 PM

I do not know how functional your product is, but it looks very presentable. I immediately wanted to study it in more detail. Is it possible, for example, to select several coins and compare volatility in order to choose the most promising investment?

Hi there and thank you for your interest in CrowdWiz! If you would like to know more about the current status of the project, please visit our website and learn more about the ICO phase here:

You can also join our Telegram group:

It is not too late to become a Beta-tester of the WizFund platform as well! Reserve your spot here:

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November 28, 2018, 06:35:51 PM

Beta testing phase tells that development has reached this far. This confirms that things are on track and next quarter is reserved for official launch of Wizfund and second quarter for Wizexchange. Being active in telegram gives us quick access to updates but importance of this forum is also can't be denied. Still it is biggest platform to get information as new comer or experienced person. (OP)
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December 11, 2018, 09:11:07 AM

Dear CrowdWiz-ers, our platform gets better with time. With powerful new features and tons of work put into it, now it is a great time to use its functions daily. You wonder what this means to you? Keep on reading to find out! (OP)
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December 12, 2018, 11:13:09 AM

Dear Beta testers!

It’s time for our next important update!

Our WizFund Beta is here for 2 months now and it only gets better with time! This wouldn't be possible without your efforts and tens of emails with your valuable observations, recommendations and ideas for future improvements.

You're welcome to keep up the good work at:

And let's discuss what we are all experiencing during the Beta journey here, at Bitcointalk!

Your wish is our command and our team works day and night to fix the bugs that you've reported so far:

*We are introducing the quantities Fund (Game of tokens) that will allow the user with more tokens to have more voting power

*We are introducing 2 Factor Authentication in order to improve the trust in the platform and allowing the user to be at ease that his account is safe

* Resolving some visual issues on laptop resolutions such as 1440x900, 1366x768 and others

* Chat improvements and bug fixes allowing the users to interact better in the Beta

* Fixed issues in ordering in the upcoming proposals and the time is changed. If the proposal will start after few days we will change the format to DD:HH:MM

* Thanks to harod we resolved Firefox issues with the proposal creation.

* Resolved some technical issues preventing the user to see the newly created proposals unless page reload is done

* Special thanks to our community members who are doing an awesome job in helping us – Harod, Kingsley, Infinity, Raul, Andi, Serhii Bilotserkivets, Kamil Otwinowski, Jose Roberto Oliveira!

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December 24, 2018, 09:39:01 AM

I saw earlier this update on beta fixes that appeared about two weeks ago. I am sure when team is working on something this important how they can ignore part of making token available for everyone around the globe. For this best way is to put it on different exchanges which solves many things and market the token one way with exposure. Development is going well but exchanges are my concern now. (OP)
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February 13, 2019, 09:27:26 AM

WizExchange Beta Live Now!

WizExchange Beta is now live! Our team of Fintech veterans proudly announces the official birth of the most awaited CrowdWiz initiative — the WizExchange Beta.

We would like to thank all our early adopters for the faith in us and to encourage them to help our internal team of professional to further improve the WizExchange Beta by trying it out. You may find the registration link here:!

Useful details for all the Beta-testers out there!

Please be advised that the CrowdWiz Exchange is linked to the Test Net, meaning that you will need to use Testnet faucets. Please find below some useful links that can help you with this. It is not obligatory for you to use them, you can research yourself for other resources:

· Bitcoin:

· ETH Faucet:

If you own a Meta Mask account you can use the Meta Mask faucet. It is accessible if you click on Deposit. The second option is Test Faucet.

· ERC20. For all ERC20 tokens please use the following flow:

Obtain Test net ETH.
2. Send them to the address found here. Please use MyEtherWallet.

3. After the wallet receives the ETH it will send you back the same amount in BOKKY tokens.

4. Use this BOKKY tokens to fund your Crowdwiz Exchange account by sending them to the relevant address you see on the website.

Transaction Tracking:

· Bitcoin:

· ETH:


Please note! As you will be the first users to actually register keep in mind that the Graph and the Market depth will be empty until actual trading occurs.

Should you come up with something that needs further improvement, just get back in touch with us and let us know your thoughts by sending an email at At the end of the day, we are one community that together strives to liberate the financial investing by giving full control back in the hands of you, the individual investors.

WizExchange Beta provides a peer-to-peer (P2P) solution that allows buying and selling cryptocurrencies to happen easily, to offer fast execution, and safety for its users. On the platform, you, the users can find liquidity and integration among twenty of the most significant crypto exchanges, safeguarded through security layers. Deposits and withdrawals from and to fiat and cryptos is allowed, as well as the additional feature of using Wiz Tokens at very low fees. This will assist in increasing the natural demand for the token and further make it more competitive with time.

In order to safeguard your experience with WizExchange Beta, our development team has worked out KYC multiple tier process, a two-factor authentication for signing, depositing and withdrawals, which will bring extra clearance to you and prevent unwanted frauds. You can now enjoy market and limit order execution done in a timely manner, superior market maker and market taker liquidity engine, and keen market analysis.

Stay tuned to learn more on what we have put our hands on. We promise, it is going to be epic! (OP)
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February 14, 2019, 11:55:38 AM

The CrowdWiz team is delighted by your positive feedback on the WizExchange Beta so far!

Thanks to your active participation in the Beta testing, we already have the first improvement of the platform - only 1 day after its release!

One of our Telegram most honorable members Infinity reported yesterday a display bug on "Executed orders" screen:

Well, it is already fixed! You can check yourself by registering for the WizExchange Beta here:
The registration process is really simple and will allow you to start testing immediately!

Our team is back on fixing the reported issues and will get back to all of you soon!

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