Hi, this is my temorary miner (in video will post URL after it uploads to youtube), I just built this to test the parts out as they are all new and then I will be buying a metal case to fit them in (a proper square tube 25X5 tube case) but for now I have a major problem, the miner turns on loads to windows 'starting windows' thing and the red dot show then it just turns off then back on and loops continually.
My SSD had windows 7 installed on another mobo so I don't know if that is it but I have used it on a 3rd mobo (although it was the same make and model nearly the one it was installed on was M4A77T and the 2nd one it worked on was M4A77TD now I have the ASROCK pro BTC one) So if I reinstall windows would that fix my problems? any suggestions would be appreciated.
Windows 7 ultimate 64-BIT
Intel? 1155 socket
ASROCK pro BTC 1155
4GB hyperX ram (also tried corsair RAM and samsung)
7950 HIS and also tried Gigabyte 270 bot had the same effect
OCZ vertex plus
EVGA 750W supernova
Any help much appreciated, also if the fix works I will be happy to donate a days mining to you (about 2 M/H)
http://youtu.be/7qONPmcOjvE Will be liver in about 10 minutes