Yes you are right. I might just increace the ammount for the giveaways. Everytime new people try it out and are exposed to the proof of concept.
So who wants to send me an ENCRYPTED private key and then I send you a sound wallet of your own as a .wav? Just to test it out. You can password protect your QT wallet and then create a private key, then I will have the private key but not the password so I wont be able to get the coins that you store in your sound wallet, another option would be to use BIP38 on bitaddress.org , same idea. If you use bitaddress then you might want to use an offline computer or at least disconnect while generating your address. Then you can use the sound wallet just as you would a paper wallet. You can load some coins on it and store it somewhere.
You can send me the private key via PM here
Bitmessage: BM-2DAtX9DiFbAzr7B61AT3qSS6kZJHteqz9P
or the contact page: