Which cryptocurrencies with links to centralized establishments whether it be banks or money transfer companies will have the most success this year. Of course ripple comes to mind when you think of centralized cyrptocurrencies but there are many others, even NEO has acknowledged that for them to achieve maximum growth the will need to work with the centralized industry to some extent. Please leave your thoughts and knowledge of what you have on this topic.
Well mate, In 2018 Ripple (XRP) is holding a market cap of 25.6 billion and is the 3rd largest token exchanged to date. Although this is well below the high of 144 billion, Ripples (XRP) transaction volume-to-daily market cap has increased. This is primarily due to a viable infrastructure, which is being created; while development on the decentralized token side has slightly retracted due to uncertainty surrounding Bitcoin. “Centralized Commercial Tokens” have taken dramatic measures in ensuring that there are key connections made between current “Legacy Systems” and future “tokenized” Blockchain systems. Development is fast and the only token which can bridge the gap rapidly between Blockchain systems and legacy systems, will ultimately win the race.