hiveos setup with tdx was easy, hardest part was toi understand that there is already wallet ready to use - just switch wallet addres and it works like a charm. seting core/voltage was a little strugle, but somehow i am getting 2x less coins than expected. I am doing right now test on one rig
8x sapphire rx 570
core 1275
voltage 1000 1025 975 1000 975 1000 975 1000
total usage from wall 1150w
~3.1mhs per card, ~25mhs total
accepted shares from miner 99.67%
pool shows no rejected shares
0.3gin in 12h
calculators show like 0.7gin in 12h
I have a feeling that boosting voltage a little or lovering core could help.
it seems that ram does not affect mining hashrate. i have setup ram on 2000mhz
So i am testing another rig where cores have more power and less core speed so should be more stable. If miner does not report dead shares, then i should see difference in 2 rigs on pool - I hope.
As I understand also nvidia miners have same struggle. So tdx miner hire is not to be blamed. Maybe pools are? Or calculators?