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Author Topic: CryptoMiner GUI *0.1* A GUI to create and edit cgminer conf and bat files  (Read 780 times) (OP)
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February 22, 2014, 09:42:10 AM

CrytoMiner Config GUI

What is it?
A GUI to reduce the manual editing of CGMiner config files. Simply choose an existing .config, or create a new .config file for cgminer with an easy to use GUI which makes maintaining .config files easy.

Note* This has only been tested on Windows 8.1 with .NET 4.5.1 so far.


Import or Edit.
First, you can choose to edit a config file, or just click Edit to create a new config from scratch.

Edit pools.
You can edit pool and workers. This is not your login information, it's just the pool information to connect your miner.

You can add new pools, edit existing pools, or delete pools. The primary pool will be the one in the .bat file at the end of the


Configure Multi-GPU.
Choose how many GPUs should be in the configuration files. This affects a few other settings later on.

Edit Intensity.
Edit the GPUs intensity, either individually, or as a group. Currently from 8-35.
Note that CGMiner only supports up to Intensity 20, some other branches apparently support more.

Thread concurrency (OPTIONAL).
You can edit thread-concurrency either individually or as a group. If you don't touch this CGMiner will guess.
A dropdown offers a starting point if you want to try setting it manually and don't know where to start.

Various settings.
This section will be expanded depending on the wishes of the users. Common settings will be added.

Generate a config file.
This will take the settings entered up to this point and allow you to save them in a .config file.

The .config file can be edited and saved to a file.
You can also choose to generate a .bat file.

Generate a .bat file for starting cgminer with the settings applied during the process.
You can edit it and save it to a file.

Application Settings & Defaults.
These can be saved to make each config file generation and editing save a few clicks.

Tested for viruses, see the results here:

The application:
File - Download

Please let me know what you like or would like me to add and whether it works for you.

If you find this useful please donate (also to promote future development).
Doge: D9wMJXsGAj3f6ZajzfgozPaqrsj5TiqKPQ

Future thoughts
Expand the options.
Possibly look into cudaminer, sgminer, etc. and see what the configuration files are like.

Best regards,
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