$8 @ Bitstamp last, on condition you deliver first.
PM me the code with your Bitcoin address for payment.
I appreciate your offer, although it is acceptable, your request for "the code" leds me to believe I need to reitterate a portion of the auction terms.
The giftcard code was overscratched, which means a portion of 'the code' is missing, as such the new card holder needs to use what reamins of the code plus the whole GCA number to contact Apple customer service to receive the remainder of the missing code.
With a scan of the card you get ALL of the information so that you can contact Apple customer service for the parts of the code that was scratched off.
To my knowledge bitcointalk.org's PM system doesn't facilitate attachments.
If you understand the complete terms of this transaction please acknowledge same then provide a proper email address for delivery of the scan.