Recently many cases I have seen for hacked MyEtherwallet. Million dollar and token has been stolen by hacker. Especially those are new hunters, they are not much aware about technic of hackers. You can see example here how scamed MyEtherwallet,
[SCAM ALERT] EOSGAS hacking MyEtherwallet by asking KYC & sign message . They are hacked very cleverly.
Basically hunter using same wallet for bounty. It's ok, rather than make multiple wallet use single wallet.
My suggestion to avoid scam move your token and eth to other MyEtherwallet account that are personal. I mean it will be use only for store token. After receive your token transfer instantly your personal MyEtherwallet. And personal account should not be use for bounty or other site. So even by mistake you visit phishing site invited by scammer, your token will be safe. But when you open your personal account, should be check address bar and don't login if invited form any third party website. Remember again personal address shouldn't be use for bounty or third party website. Just use it like cold store.
May be you will lose some gas fee but I believe you can save your hard work money.