Facebook: a few months I have been writing a book aimed at introducing beginners to cryptocurrency. Since March 2014, I have devoted much of my time towards researching a total of 40 coins (including Bitcoin). This book will also have other pages which define cryptocurrency terminlogy in a non-technical manner. Besides these, factual tables, statistics and more will be included. At the moment (20/11/2014) I have completed 39 coin sections with the following still incomplete:
Startcoin START
After the introduction, there are 20 sections based on the following topics:
a) What is Cryptocurrency?
b) Why does Cryptocurrency exist?
c) Why are there so many "alt" coins?
d) Is Cryptocurrency money?
e) What is mining?
f) The Blockchain
g) Proof of Work and Proof of Stake
h) The Wallet Client
i) The Block Time
j) The Block Reward
k) What is a Pre-mine?
l) Difficulty Re-targeting
m) Scrypt, SHA-256 and others
n) What is a 51% attack?
o) Community
p) Exchanges
q) Coin Developers
r) Purchasing Cryptocurrency
s) Advertising/Marketing
t) Anonymity
These won't necessarily be it the above order
Here is a list of all the coins that feature with the associated wallet address for anyone who would like to donate towards publication:
Anoncoin: AVeZWZhcirLsAMokib4xW1K3gp3cEEGrRd
Auroracoin: AWxnGDZRGfocA2DavHwdBkBkskSEk4XfdN
Bitcoin: 1DXSGWvvK4tcHLzF3iXr8AG9Trxjedajhk
Blackcoin: BPNq8NC4BRvyKnaz6SQKHwXq2yz6Cbcrpc
Britcoin: B7CjPTjNiAqu8ssVYXvTX9RUkjo8U8JgU3
Colossuscoin: 1DXSGWvvK4tcHLzF3iXr8AG9Trxjedajhk
Cryptogenic Bullion: 5o6x2zFPxJJ8YLJS5jCMVr7GHvpNMfPFV3
Diamond: dU8K16XNB8ag1bvN5p4vmc63tEWqobtU4C
Digibyte: D8FwazAemow92sytzsynouaJWPXDZ9q6zq
Digitalcoin: DL9Qmj4D22zYApUWq4jkeAKsF9pLBrbmAH
Darkcoin: XdoMpS6wX63TVBma9EG53PG2VJnMnSPJ3d
Dogecoin: DFUtWBobuunHixutMQg6RC4VgyxbCjsKFy
Fastcoin: fzhZfh6n4jdt1mT99DsLqVrMvUriKWgoi8
Feathercoin: 6zchh7YiHZCjjUhbh3dwjnMSbFaZ8PbHTj
Fedoracoin: EbjEBNmAX551trBgP9vJeEj9msohjcuvKd
Franko: F6C49xF2xfqZUGQDNwD39BYv25BikqLHio
Goldcoin: DyAaaLrZLbC3i8FjLjQtqWYWQtk4ZL2izA
Hobonickels: Exe8wnqtA6y9kd1nrRg6Jx65NRZZ3btPWu
Infinitecoin: iHyNV7FhoT544qiwrVXgw65fa6aoJgK6dG
Kittehcoin: KPqpp9vKhj32q5vWrVLinnrUs2uB9Nakvx
Leafcoin: fNcLkTKh45PaT7jpp7LJUEo7ooUQL5ceT2
Litecoin: LXasFmEHwvfyvb1DAYmtPXKEuGi6csEatS
Lottocoin: Ly8V89bHwfCV93grsJamZoEseQwqpKykXz
Maxcoin: 1DXSGWvvK4tcHLzF3iXr8AG9Trxjedajhk
Mazacoin: MNKwkKX6y3eMwZssJndJmD5bnbhJbKo7oo
Megacoin: MJcK6bf7UuD8ZGkWZxKk8UgTWHcmFHVfAz
Mintcoin: 1DXSGWvvK4tcHLzF3iXr8AG9Trxjedajhk
Mooncoin: 2THQ74iskgoTXSWEEZZ9R1tkFa9575aDhu
Novacoin: 4Jwe9irSWiJ3sQMLxVApX6pYhffndxsE1E
Nxt: 14081530087791934508
Peercoin: PPdMapGc4uBxUafofpvbgwqWgPWRfxW9FK
Primecoin: AJjzXu6SDSH7oS2uM6NfJmHE8qyx5CJ2ts
Quark: QQphDV4qXWcZzSib5GEzLP4LhBpyf8mYBU
Qubit: 1DXSGWvvK4tcHLzF3iXr8AG9Trxjedajhk
Reddcoin: RcKcF8LcaHiCNr3yhPawaVJ4JujUX8426s
SaturncoinV2: ScdXipVvcXCuZFbEr496U2J75oyjcb1ZWk
Tagcoin: TYKjp2dqVUybyQSRL2VNXN3nquWgsf4LtS
Topcoin2: 1DXSGWvvK4tcHLzF3iXr8AG9Trxjedajhk
Ultracoin: UeCnPrfaUJBRCi6125VpvCQJ3Mn8hvbbs1
Worldcoin: WR7btpVfet3e5ioLLNFRx4dzR5k4YDmXY8
Zetacoin: ZaSz7txCRL2KnzZmFQT7NZkNAL33Qj4ih8