Round #2 Start NOW
That is not working very well and I lost a lot on round1
If some players that won or OP want to reimburse me some of the money lost (something like 0.3) : 1247stFukbVxL8c6bYf5NWvaCR8p68EtTg I will appreciate it, I will try to stay away of ponzi but I may not suceed
Begging for money in a ponzi thread? Lulz. All ponzis are risks. Be more careful next time!
I am more careful now, I am waiting for round2 of Ponzicoin and ponzi120 and will deposit only once (maybe twice) at the very beginning so I risk of beeing by the owner, I think the probability is less than 5%, and there is maybe a probability of 1% of not being paid if I invest right at the beginning of the round : 94% of the time I will make 120%
I posted my adress 1247stFukbVxL8c6bYf5NWvaCR8p68EtTg because you never know, someone that made a lot of money with this ponzi or with an other could feel better by reimbursing a loser that allowed him to profit