February 23, 2014, 07:58:16 PM Last edit: February 23, 2014, 09:34:31 PM by Laboboy31 |
Hi Bitcointalk!
I'm now presenting to you our Gambling Group:
GamblingInvest Where gambling have no risks
Features: *No risk in investing *Daily Payouts *High Profitability
Who we are? We are a group of 3 statisticians that fomulated a Low-Risk gambling algorithm with high profitability
What we do? We use that gambling algorithm that we formulated to make more money!
Why not just use it for yourserlves? It is primarily because to increase the profits we made.
When I invest, how much do I make? Currently, our group already invest 200,000 dogecoins and for example you invested 100,000 dogecoins Previously, Our share of the profits is 100% but after you invested, it would be: Your investment/Total investment which will make 100,000/300,000 = 0.33 --> 33% So for every 10,000 dogecoins we make, you get 3300
When do you payout? We will payout everyday 7:30PM +9:00GMT
What is the minimum investment? Just to try us out, the minimum investment would be 100 Dogecoins
I'm interested. How can I contact you? Just submit a private message to this account and we will send an address where you can send your money.
Note: For those who are interested to invest with bitcoins, you must exchange it first before contacting us.
Current Investors- GamblingInvest - 200,000 Dogecoins - 100%