Zimbabwe:You have two cows.
No, You have one cow.
No, You have 0.5 cow.
No, You have 0.1 cow.
No, You have 0.002 cow.
No, You have 0.0000001 cow.
No, You have 0.000000000000005 cow.
No, You have 0.00000000000000000000000000000003 cow.
No, You have 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cow.
You trade that for $0.01 USD
Then you buy one cow off an ebay auction for $0.01 USD, with free shipping, but you eventually get two cows, and your $0.01 USD back from buyer-protection with paypal.
You now have two cows again.
No, You have one cow.
No, You have 0.5 cow.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwean_dollarSilk Road:You have two cows.
They are worth $0.0001
Now they are worth $0.0001
Now they are worth $0.001
Now they are worth $0.01
Now they are worth $0.10
Now they are worth $1.00
Now they are worth $10.00
Now they are worth $100.00
Now they are worth $1,000.00
Finally they sold...
Now they are worth $10,000.00
Now they are worth $100,000.00
Now they are worth $1,000,000.00
Now they are worth $10,000,000.00
Now you regret selling them... You buy two more...
Govt takes all your funds before you get to cash-out the cash-cow. Then takes your two new cows.