BTCeta update #3
They're working hard on scala
BTCility issues. The front-end and data
BTCase sever roles have
BTCeen separated and static content has
BTCeen offloaded to a glo
BTCal CDN, greatly increasing the response times of the website.
Successful withdrawals are now at 408 and we fixed 12 more
BTCugs since public
BTCeta update #2.
They've added the "Notification Settings" page and your referrer information is now visible through the "Referrals" menu. Furthermore, the "A
BTCout us" pages have
BTCeen greatly expanded for transparency and include a lot of new information.
BTCut not least, they have completed their first small gradual increase of the daily coins they give to users. Fedoracoins (TIPS) increased
BTCy 5% and Infinitecoins (IFC)
BTCy 3%.
Give it a try