You can easily check your balance of BTSx now.
You can either:
GenesisYou can look /download and search for your addresses manually in the genesis you have many addresses, this tool can help you.
BTSx balance tool (no wallet required)I have created a very simple alternative version to check your BTSX balance without using your wallet/s. It just extracts the addresses from the output of "listaddressgroupings" or from a comma separated file and matches them to the genesis.json.
If you have lots of addresses in your PTS wallet and/or multiple donations to AGS from PTS / BTC this will make your life much easier.
Javascript version, nothing to install Just go to the website and check your balance. version (windows, mac and linux )Github source and usageCode and usage can be found here: versionA .net compiled version can be found here:, it runs in windows and linux / mac using mono
Example of usage:List Address GroupingsOn Bitshares-PTS or Bitcoin-QT go to debug and type "listaddressgroupings"
Copy the output for BTC on "
addressGroupingsBTC.txt" and for PTS on "
It should look like this:
[ [ [ "12CLxa1B5V3ywxFaP7Qb5GUPF9kB7q48n4", 0.18279316, "mul2" ], [ "18wh9z4o2NWSVJijiX6CcBLXYhPdahmbKk", 0.00000000, "mul1" ] ] ]
Comma separated fileIf you already know your addreseses, or use another client like "Multibit" just simply create a text file named "
addressesCommaSeparated.txt" and type the addresses separated by commas
On a side note, my balance is what I was expecting

Have fun..