it would be rather called, Cryptoexchange with 3D market simulator and avatars. it could however end up quite crowdy, i think you are not right here for that idea you should rather go to the developers of second life or maybe minecraft to create something like that
I'm always the one who prefers using something specialised. I like 1 item that's very, very good at doing what's it supposed to be doing, and using 3 or 4 items similarly specialised, rather than only using 1 thing that sort of decent at everything I want to do. This is why I generally avoid an exchange that also has built-in social functions (gaming? chatting?). And I avoid wallets that are also exchanges (although DEXs have convinced me this is quite doable without sacrificing security).
Actually, I think Second Life already started building a crypto centre. Never saw it but I think they populated it with some information which suggests they're going to use a crypto token to start precisely this "3D market sim and avatar" environment. Saw this in an ad some months ago.