provides more meaningful trade data (not ticker data, like CMC), so you can calculate how much volume was in each time frame, even for 1 second, 1 minute and so on - you can also check how many trades were to get, for example, btc/usd in a selected price range on all exchanges or on one exchange.
CoinMarketCap provides ticker data which tells you the following: price, 24h volume, market (xrp/usd, eth/btc, etc.) and exchange (binance, coinbase, bitstamp etc.)
Coin.Market provides trades data which tells you the following: price, amount traded, market (xmr/usd, xmr/btc...), exchange (binanace, coinbase...), time, if the trade was a buy or a sell -so with trades you can calculate how much volume was for each second, each minute and so on.