Good day.
Thank you for your question.
So we will first be approaching existing businesses in order to attempt a partnership with them in them accepting crypto as a method of payment and also paying those employees who wish, in crypto.
This will all be done on the Delta-X platform of course and the simplest would be for all employees to have an account on Delta-X and a wallet address for their crypto of choice and receive payment that way.
For those businesses who are not interested due to whatever reason, we will, one business at a time, buy existing ones being sold or establish our own, in turn creating jobs and of course implementing a full on crypto payment system that will also cater for fiat.
This goal is not an overnight goal, but a long term goal which we WILL achieve with your (the people's) help, but the goal and dream is to have shops, businesses, markets in every country that accepts crypto payments as easy and simple as cash payments are today. We want it to be anything from paying a plumber, builder, salon, buying your groceries in person at the shop or using our services and purchase it online and have it delivered to you, to buying cars, paying doctors and dentists, 2nd hand stores, pet shops, insurance policies, funeral plans, etc etc. and the only type of coin that will be suitable for this will be a non volatile security coin such as what DLX will be because we want the people to be able to pay the same amount of DLX for a bottle of milk today, tomorrow and next week, not, ok, today it is 0.0002BTC for 1 bottle of milk and tomorrow that same milk costs you 0.0003BTC. The only thing that should affect the price of the milk changing is the stores cost of obtaining that product.
Sorry, we hope this is not too much reading, but we are very passionate about what we want to achieve
The 2nd part of your question, zero spread.
You are correct. DLX will only be traded on the Delta-X exchange and will only be bought from and sold to Delta-X.
In the beginning there will be a spread as the price DLX will be sold for by the exchange and the price the exchange will buy it back for will differ, but only temporarily.
By the time the payment system is live we trust that the following will not be an issue, but as we are honest and do not want to hide anything, the following is a potential scenario.
DLX price on exchange post ICO will be $0.45
Buy back price will be $0.20
If you use DLX as payment let's at a grocery store, 10 DLX will give you $2 worth of goods as $0.2 per DLX is the value it will be backed for by us.
It will be best for the coin holders to hold onto the coins for a short while as 50% of the profits made by the Delta-X brand through trading of other crypto, the online shop etc will go into the coin, increasing the buy back value every month until it is $0.45 or more. At that point, we will buy and sell DLX for exactly the same price, creating zero spread. You buy it for lets say $1 and it gives you $1 worth of goods at the store or you can sell it back to us for $1.
The price will never go down as it will increase with profits every month, creating zero negative volatility too.
Now, looking at the example in the whitepaper of possible profits, the zero spread point can be achieved as quickly as 1 or 2 months.
I hope this answers your questions and that all is clear.
Please do not hesitate to ask anything should you have a question.
Delta-X Team.