You pick one team to win their game for that week. If they lose you are out. If you win you move on to the next week, but you can not pick that same team to win a game for any of their remaining regular season games. This same process goes on each week until their is only one person left.
It will end after week 17 of the NFL Schedule. We will NOT continue into the Playoffs.
You cannot pick a team during their bye week. If you do, you will be eliminated. If your team happens to tie you will move on to the next round.
All picks are due 30 minutes before the Start of Sunday games 12:35 EST. You may pick a Thursday game, Picks due 30 minutes before game time. All other picks DUE SUNDAY 12:35 EST. Picks will be submitted to @Sneak2018 on telegram or you may also submit on twitter @Sneak57528227
If you do not make your pick prior to the game of any given week, you are out.
If the remaining teams all lose in a week, all teams that made a pick will move on to the next week.
The pool is winner take all.
If there is more than one person remaining after the final week of the season, the tied entries split the respective payout.
To increase your chances of winning, you may play as many times as you wish. Each entry will be scored separately.
The pool will be paid out at 90 percent of the pot in STR.
The cost to enter the pool is 500 STR which can be found on the Turtle exchange under Stars. Please visit our telegram channel with any questions Send each $STR prediction to alias starspredict_pool (1 transaction per prediction). In the attachment field specify Survivor Pool 2018 and your user name.
The spreadsheet will be updated with the picks and can be access below.