It was a good premise
James Renouf has been a huge supporter of this coin (amongst other people) and premise from basically the beginning but is not the developer. We know he has heavily promoted and had products / trainings on Bitcoin and Dogecoin also amongst others. He is known I guess for teaching people about crypto currencies. You would have to ask him about his different crypto currency trainings, mining contracts and views on coins. We have also been working hard on being accepted by net neutrality organizations. Once one jumps on board and states they accept it or prefer it that will be a huge announcement. We want everyone to be aware of and support net neutrality first. Then we would like them to obviously use our coin as a way to show their support for the movement.
We have been involved with this coin from its original idea to where we are now for almost a year. We have had many ups and downs including price. We as much as anyone are not happy that the coin is off of Bittrex for now. We were glad people were able to trade for btc for a period of time to change to fiat if they liked but obviously we don't want that to be temporary. A lot of people mining at one point to where we are today. But as stated from the beginning we will have people like the coin, people that don't. People that mine it, people that don't.
Bottom line is we will continue to promote this coin and net neutrality to the users of this forum along with anyone else that is interested in the concept over the long haul. We have been at it for over a year and look forward to year number two.
Isn't it kinda weird to write about yourself pretending not to be yourself?! YOU are James Renouf! Really though, who cares, what I DO care about is you lying about it!! I know all about your plans with this coin from the start as a friend was part of your "inner circle", it pisses me off you took people for this ride!! Then continue to lie in this thread about who you really are what YOU really did with this coin!
A previous poster stated "He asked everyone to keep it a secret while he, and only he (he specifically told others NOT to mine) mined the coins.". I KNOW this to be true and FACTUAL! You have not responded to this for obvious reasons, but people should KNOW this is in fact true and you are fucking sitting on well over 10% of this coin's entire network. You did this so those 50 people could encourage this community on BCT to raise the value so you could sell your cool 12 plus million coins.
Those 50 people ALL lost their $400 they put up, because they believed in YOU as a marketer, they believed a good marketer would fucking market this coin, but you have done SHIT to market this coin. The only fucking thing that has been discussed or looked at is getting on an exchange! Even after getting QUICKLY delisted from the first would think there would be a lesson to be learned to here but here we are again talking about nothing but getting on another exchange. FOR WHAT MAN!?
As it sits, this coin has NOTHING to offer anyone but a cool name on a hot topic. In case you still have not realized the problem here, this is NOT WTF this coin needs?! You're a fucking marketer but have be told it is the marketing and innovation that is supremely lacking here, getting on another exchange will do NOTHING except perhaps allow you to sell a few of your coins, which I am sure you look at as a waste knowing you are doing nothing to really help this coin! At least we can all be grateful your scam was only partially successful and you now hold the largest bag of worthless crap:-)
You REALLY should give these 50 people their god damn money back, you stole it with your lack of fulfilling promises to all of them!!!!!
You "teach" people about crypto currencies but obviously don't know shit about making a coin OR MARKETING ONE apparently, the one thing all those 50 people trusted you WOULD and could do! You flat out ripped all of these people off man, no if's and's or but's about it!!! THIS has been your business model for some time, in fact and hilarious as I think about it, you just released a fucking product teaching people how to sell WORTHLESS info products in niches they know nothing about:-) This is what you have done in the crypto niche, sold worthless products on a topic you know nothing about. THIS is your specialty and this you have openly and publicly admitted! You think you offer any real value in your courses man, when you know so damn little about the topics you publish on?! You line your fucking pockets off of people's desperation and you give nothing of any real value in any of them! Might help though if you really knew WTF you were talking about lol:-)
You have already proven to the world that you are clueless with what you are doing with Neutrality Coin, this coin is going NOWHERE with you in the driver's seat! The ONLY hope is that this coin sees a community take over of it, OR if you were fucking smart, you would seek some help from someone who knows WTF they are doing in bringing a coin to success!! It needs innovation and it NEEDS heavy marketing, not someone doing NOTHING but hoping to get on another exchange, or coin market cap for that matter either.
WTF good will it do anyways to get on coin market cap when there is no fucking market?! Yeah, that's gonna make things all better. Dude, you NEED some help, or we need someone else paddling the boat!
How about this! You collected 20 fucking thousand dollars from these 50 people, that is if there was in fact only 50 people, I REALLY have to wonder about that as well! You claimed to have charged this, not just for the coin, but for a handful of webinars educating on crypto currencies as well, this is BULLSHIT. You gave SHIT for value in those webinars and just made it known how little you really know about all of this, this shows even more with your actions with this coin. Hell, one of them you had some other dude who didn't know shit just talk about mining basics. From what I was told, this guy even admitted he didn't know shit, but you pretend you gave these people $400 dollars worth of value for 4-6 wasted hours essentially. I can't back this part up as I was not there, but I know it's true nonetheless!
If you won't refund these people their $400, then take that cool $20k you stole from them and put it into marketing this coin!!! Do you have any fucking idea what $20K could do for a coin, if you were half as smart as you think you are, you would see this could EASILY be made back MANY times over with you holding over 12 million coins!! This is what you should have planned from the beginning, but instead you outright fucking scammed these people and just took their money to the bank!! Jesus Christ man, I bet most of these people gave up their last $400 because they believed the bullshit you were feeding them.
I swear to god, I don't know how the fuck people like you sleep at night!!!!! You are a TERRIBLE human being for your actions and willingness to make a buck by burying people farther than they were before they met you!!
I have been mining this coin from day 1. I did an internet search on "Net Neutrality" and saw the coin in the search results. I went to the website for it and found the pool site and the wallet plainly displayed. The announce page was here from day 1 and I can tell you FOR A FACT that there were no coins mined before the start date because I started watching the pool on day 1. Today I have millions of these coins - and anyone can if they mine them - and anyone could have them today if they took the initiative as I did when the new coin came out.
Yes, I was fortunate because of my interest in net neutrality, but the point is this: I am sorry you didn't get rich quick, I am sorry you have sour grapes, but the internet is free to use for everyone that applies themselves and cryptocurrency is an internet phenomenon that is still available to everyone to use (thank God) - you got a gift of 20,000 coins (that I had to pay for in mining equipment and kilowatt hours) - and you complain that you didn't get rich off of them overnight? Get real. Better yet, realize that a coin is successful because people like me find it important and finding more people like me and talking the coin up rather than down might just make those 20,000 coins you were given a life-changing boon to your finances.
Every coin I have looked at has had it ups and downs. Things break and get fixed. Pools come and go. Prices ebb and flow. The successful coins are the ones that survive the turmoil thanks to a dedicated community who persists and is determined. Let's be one of those communities.
I seriously think this post was either done by James himself, or someone he asked to post it! Or maybe, you are just innocently ignorant or naive to what has and IS really going on here with this coin and dev?! Either way, it is very deceptive and partially lies. I suppose this post gives great advice in most situations, but NOT here, we were fucking scammed and GOOD. This NEEDS to be dealt with and acknowledged before this coin will EVER have a chance to prosper! These people are not fucking crying because they didn't get rich overnight, they are crying because of OBVIOUS deception and being scammed!
"The announce page was here from day 1 and I can tell you
FOR A FACT that there were
no coins mined before the start date because I started watching the pool on day 1." You are completely correct with what you say here, BUUUUUUUUTTTTTT you are leaving out the most important part which has already been stated and conveniently fucking ignored!! This went down exactly how you expect a scam to go down. The launch was kept VERY quiet on PURPOSE!!! He explicitly asked his 50 followers NOT to post in this thread so as to not bump the thread to get any attention, he then told all 50 of these people that they could NOT mine the coin either, whilst he and he ALONE raped the fucking thing for all he could......well over 12 million coins mined before he let anyone else mine the damn coin, then turns around and gives all these people a measly 20K for their "
investment"!! Wrong word to use obviously, but this is what they all thought they were doing, INVESTING, NOT paying for some lame ass worthless webinars.
These webinars were in fact SUPPOSED to be all about the coin and how it was going to marketed, as I was told this was not the case and they all turned out to be bullshit basics crap about mining, trading and crypto in general. People were made to believe it would be a group effort to promote Neutrality Coin, but were then instructed on what they could and could not do, all of which to benefit James and JUST James, not the 50 people he was in the middle of ripping off!
So you are completely correct sir, there was no premine TECHNICALLY, this was FAR FAR FAR FAR fucking worse!!!!!!! Not only did James flat out scam all 50 of these people, but he also scammed everyone on this forum or that has read this damn thread!!!!
Really hoping to just get the damn truth out there and in the open so we can move on from this bullshit, deceit and scam. I will give James one thing here, he started this with a great idea.......minus the ripping people off part, net neutrality is a HUGE topic and concern for people everywhere. This gives this coin GREAT potential with a REAL dev sitting in the driver's seat!! I don't personally have much of this coin, but enough that I would make a few good dollars if this would see the success it likely could have given the topic it targets, for this reason and for those people that got ripped by this guy, I hope to see this coin taken over by someone else in the near future!
I have NO desire to hurt this coin further with this post (not sure that is even possible, that job has been done and done WELL by James himself!), but again, I strongly feel this is going nowhere fast and will continue down that exact path until this is all aired out and dealt with!!
The truth MAY just set us free:-) And people, THIS is the TRUTH and is exactly what did in FACT happen!! And this dev claiming to be another is in FACT James Renouf!!! FACT!!!!! I can't say if there is anyone else working with him in this scam, but I seriously doubt it and even if there was it is still James who is most DEFINITELY the one in the driver's seat. He is NOT a supporter, he is the creator of this scam and the one behind ALL the responses on this thread! FACTOID again!!
Just tell the fucking truth man, it's the ONLY way to cleanse your dirty soul!
To those 50 people that fell for this guy's con, I am sorry this happened to you and pray things will turn around so you see your $400 back! Too bad the time lost can never again be gotten back, but unfortunately scammers like this don't give a shit at what harm their gains cause.
To James, oh how your parents must be proud! You can justify in your head however you want to feel good about yourself, but you are ripping off good people man. Plain and simple!! The ONLY way to do right by us all now is to refund these people their money, or invest it ALL into getting this coin going for real, and with the help of someone who knows WTF they are doing as you obviously have NO clue! Even then, you have MUCH penance to give!