These are the "Clickbait" type articles that are being used to draw the most attention to their site. You read that and you
think, damn!...The sky is falling and then it turns out that it is just a minor dump of all Crypto currencies and the sky is not
falling after all.
If it was any other commodity, I would have "exited" when something likes this happens, but this is Bitcoin
and we know what happens after a major correction.
Yeah and I can't wait what will be unfold after this major correction. The market is flooded by newbies that doesn't know how to withstand every volatility and easily dump their holdings. Everything that happen now is all usual and nothing to be worry so quit thinking negativity and wait for the market turn the other way.
The problem with these newbies are the negative consequences of their actions. They SELL too early, because they do not
know the ropes and then they get burnt and they lose money. The next thing you know, they point the fingers at Bitcoin,
because it is human nature to get excuses for your own mistakes. Now, suddenly Bitcoin is a bubble and a Ponzi scheme and
all the negative things that they can think of, but never their own fault.