You wrote that you are working on the following algorithm. "Algorithm Phi1612
The phi1612 algorithm is one of the most secure encryption algorithms combining the algorithms Skein, Jh, Cubehash, Fugue, Gost and Echo. "Does your platform work with hardware wallets?
All in the process of development, wait, we at least start exchanging old coins for new ones, then we publish all the information.
Why was my post deleted, when it stated nothing but FACTS?
We just follow the relevance of the data, go to our community in the telegram, everyone is waiting for the exchange.
as I understand it, this coin is designed for the swap. Exchange for old coins.
These confirmations in less than a second using Fonero, will it always be the same if the network has many transactions? Will this 2019 plan be the development of an exchange?
We already have an investor who sponsors the call at we are preparing a coin, under the terms of the investor.
On other serious exchanges without large capitalization does not go. this exchange has already successfully passed the exchange, will soon begin the exchange of mass.
These coins serve to exchange old ones for new ones.We managed to solve the problem of all coins based on bitcoin and make a right-diminishing reward for the block, as it was on the cryptonight algorithm.