It makes you think that blockchain, If it can be used anywhere, can be injected in such an analytical field like digital advertising?
There are lots of bugs and bots out there to cheat the whole system and make money side by side for the publishers. It can only stop duplicate amount of fraud clicks/impressions, but cannot be that sufficient to remove those bugs or stop bots from looting the advertising media as blockchain is not what you've mentioned it for.
Yeah, Copy-pasting Stedsm's post really makes you think huh.
Any thing can run on blockchain
Just because everything can be run on a blockchain (note: blockchain is just a data structure; a form of arranging data) it does not mean that everything should run on a blockchain.
Many people seem to misunderstand the real purpose of a blockchain. If you just want to add 'blockchain' as a tag for something, you are not making it better in any way.
The problems you are trying to fix can not be fixed by the use of a blockchain.
But.. feel free to outline. How would you fight ad fraud with 'a blockchain' ?
I haven't said that's what I am doing yet, but you can't say it can't be done.
Third party involvement in the negotiating process have left a loophole in the heart of digital advertising sphere.
A proper smart contract to create an enabling environment for digital advertisers and publishers is underway
I almost puked from reading this, seriously. The amount of useless buzzwords without any real meaning behind them is staggering.
What good would a smart contract be when detecting if a page visitor is a bot/real person? I don't see any usecase AT all tbh.
Or am i missing something here? Are you simply looking to cut out the middleman (Which would be google if you use their platform), which is something that i think the brave browser is trying, but this really doesn't have that much to do with "ad-fraud"