I recently encountered the same issue and created a PHP class that simplifies using the blockchain wallet API. Using the API you can maintain a wallet, generate addresses, send money etc.
Take a look at the class on github
https://github.com/lukesims/Blockchain-Wallet-API-PHP-Class/It's as easy as
$myWallet = new Blockchain( "Identifier", "Main Password", "Second Password" );
$options = array( "from" => "18d3cd2DVzcWMtpwShJGxEcRHx8LRZCShr",
"shared" => "false",
"fee" => "55000",
"note" => "Money is not our god");
$sendCoins = $myWallet->sendCoins( "1Gp4K5AnNmT6tdSt5Hv5EArsBBWQi169Ks", "124842", $options );
if( $sendCoins !== false )
$message = $sendCoins->message;
$tx_hash = $sendCoins->tx_hash;
$additional_message = $sendCoins->notice;