How many subscribers on your project’s Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook do you have? What is the rating on ICOBench? We will help you increase these numbers with Airdrop in a short time
Investors look at the number of people on project's social media (whether a project is hyped or not). Also, the main ICO-trackers (ICOBench, ...) rely on this criterion when they are rating a project. Investors are reading ratings before they decide in which ICO they are investing their money.We can guarantee 50,000+ airdrop participants, who will carry out the actions aimed at increasing the popularity of the project. Example: enter Telegram group, follow Twitter, etc.
We have the best conditions in the market for this service and will provide positive feedback from our customers.Our team is professionally engaged in conducting airdrops. Many ICOs are trying to carry out the airdrop themselves, but without experience and connections, it is very difficult to reach more than a several thousand participants. We are engaged in both the technical part of airdrop (the choice and preparation of its model, logic, bot, forms, tables, advertising texts, …), and the promotion of airdrop.What you get:● Increasing the number of members and activity on Twitter and Facebook, Telegram groups and chats (through the Airdrop)
● Airdrop Telegram bot
● Airdrop description in the target languages
● Video guide for participants
● Verification of all airdrop participants
● Airdrop promotion in various mediums
Telegram: @ArthurBounty
If you need confirmation of the portfolio, we will give you customer contacts