wpkh-p2sh is for SegWit addresses only.
I tried to import the private keys as you said but the return is 3 different multisig addresses, none with funds...
NOTE: a "3"-type address is NOT necessarily a Multi-Sig address... 3 == "P2SH"... this could be Multi-Sig, or it could be "SegWit wrapped in P2SH" (aka P2WPKH-P2SH).
Given you were using the Multi-Sig functionality on coinb.in, it is more likely that the multi-sig was created from "legacy" addresses. Trying to sign multi-sig transactions in Electrum using individual private keys is not easy (I'm not even sure if it's actually possible). I've been trying to do this, but when I attempt to load the partially signed transaction into the wallet that contains just a single private key... I get a "Transaction unrelated to your wallet" note on the transaction... and Electrum won't sign it
I've double checked... and the Public Key for the PrivateKey/Address that is in the wallet is indeed one of the public keys used for the redeem script, so it's either some weird quirk with Electrum Testnet... or trying to sign transactions from non-seeded (or non-xprv wallets) is not supported.
I even tried to use the "signtransaction()" command on the Electrum console... and that also fails to sign the transaction (the output hex is identical to the input hex)
Honestly, I think that you might be be better off using Bitcoin Core, so you can manually use the
createrawtransaction and
signrawtransaction commands from the console. I think you can probably even do this without having a fully synced client... as you can simply provide the required UTXO data when creating/signing the transaction.