Had read a tweet on the token burning phenomemon. It provided a pretty balanced view on why burning only benefits the company and not ICO investors. Say, a project raised USD 10 million through ICO and has a total supply of 10 million tokens. ICO was only fund raise they did. Each token was sold for USD 1 during ICO. Price dips 50% after ICO i.e. each token is now worth USD 0.5. Company burns 10% of supply. Tokens are now worth USD 0.55. Company still has USD 10 mill. ICO investors are 45% poorer.
This is especially true in a bear market.
Your analysis has problems. If the company burns 10%, then it must own 10%, and the burn increases the value of the coins.
The company holds $10 million plus 1 million coins (10%) valued at $0.50 each. The total value before the burn is $10.5 million. After the burn the company own 0 coins so its value is only $10 million. It lost $0.5 million in the burn.
Each coin that an investor owns is worth $0.50 before the burn and $0.55 after the burn. The burn increases the value of the investor's coins by 10%.
Not my analysis. Quoting the tweet. But fair enough.
Also, investors lost 45% (since ICO). Incorrect to say they gained 10%.
Consider this.
Total Supply: 10 mill
ICO amt raised: USD 9 mill
Tokens released in ICO: 9 mill
Investors spent: USD 1/token
Post ICO dip: 50%
Company burns 1 mill
So they make USD (9 - 0.5) = USD 8.5 mill (reference point: since ICO)
Investors lost 45% (since ICO). Burn made them 10% richer. But they are overall 45% poorer.
Burn is definitely a temporary relief. But overall, it still keeps the investor in the red.
Looking for the tweet. Will post it here if I find it