Hi everyone!
I am trying to start a company where we provide a SMS based bitcoin wallet service for the developing world. I think this could have a large impact on banking and international money transfers in the emerging markets (only 30 out of 190 countries currently have a modern banking system). There is already precedent like this in Kenya, where Kenyans use M-PESA to make payments using their mobile phones (
I have found two APIs we could initially use to make our lives easier:
1) Twilio.com - API for handling SMS (
2) Coinbase.com - API for handling BitCoin transactions (
So I am looking for a backend developer to help connect these two APIs in exchange for equity.
The way this service would work is that we would have a public number 800-###-####
1) someone would text us: "hi"
2) the reply: "Hi! what would you like to do today? 1. Login to existing account 2. Create an account 0. Talk to Support"
3) reply: "2"
4) reply: "Welcome back! Please enter your pin:"
4) reply: "password"
5) reply: "What would you like to do today? 1. View your balance 2. Send money 3. Request money 4. Deposit money from local currency 5. Withdraw money to local currency 6. Preferences"
I have already written a sample script in Ruby like this to give an idea of how all the different text-based interactions would play out. Also I have a guy who works at Oracle on board who specializes in databases but he doesn't know web dev / using APIs. I'm also actively recruiting two full stack guys, but I would like to have a working prototype before I attend this conference (coinsumm.it) on March 25th.
Tl;dr would you be free to hack together a SMS based bitcoin wallet service before 3/25 in return for equity?
Send me a message if you are interested - thanks!