I can smell that the value of bitcoin is slowly recovering from previous bloodshed.
What are you babbling about? This wasn't a bloodshed! Jeez! It's called "Correction". Bitcoin is still up $2800 dollars from the "price" it had last year.
I know that there are so many factors affecting its value but with the help and support of the bitcoin community, for sure this technology will really withstand every drop of blood
Hold your horses! We haven't seen true blood being spilled till now! The So-Called "Support and Help of the community" will be really tested when things get Red for the miners. They are still cosy with the profits they are raking in.
Is this one of the signs of a bull run soon?
What signs are you talking about? you have failed to mention a single one!
Do you think history will repeat when it comes to its performance last year December?
Only the whales/AIs which are controlling the market can answer that for ya!