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"Do no Evil"REVEALED: Google's proposed indie music-killing contract termsSuicide or death-by-DMCA? Not a great choice...[...]
In short, the move will preserve Google's illegal supply chain by cracking down on its legal supply chain.
Why does this matter? Getting your stuff taken down from YouTube is hugely costly and in practice, almost impossible, thanks to "safe harbour" provisions designed to protect ISPs and other service providers in the mid-1990s, when the public internet was in its infancy. It requires an individual URL-by-URL take-down notice to be filed for each infringement. Google can continue to monetise the label's music via YouTube, even without the label's permission.
It's been called "Notice and Shakedown", and tiny indie companies can ill afford the resources to do it. As DMN publisher Paul Resnikoff explains:
It’s virtually impossible to actually remove your content from YouTube, especially if you have a smaller (ie, indie) budget… The reason is that YouTube plays by the DMCA, which of course forces the content owner to claim and demand a removal. Once you cannot upload your official versions, then you are dealing with endless crappy, low quality lyrics videos that are often monetized by someone else if not policed properly. And, usage patterns show that everyone goes to those videos if the official video isn’t uploaded fast and first.
In theory Google has a content ID system that could block the unlicensed uploads - but nobody can compel it to use the system. It can stand around and whistle innocently while YouTube is populated with the same music over and over again.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/24/notice_and_shakedown_google_mafiastyle_contract_for_indie_music_revealed/here is the contract for those who cares: