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Author Topic: [ANN][ICO] The  (Read 709 times)
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August 30, 2018, 09:53:14 PM
Last edit: September 04, 2018, 04:41:34 PM by ICO4UU

new ICO (9/18) with Security-Asset-Coins for an unstoppable and censorship free Filesharing System with 24% Revenue-Participation

The Core Idea: Hybrid-Filesharing-Network of Peer to Peer + client server with integrated payment
=  High Speed Server act as a super fast Cache-Shell for slow but robust Peer-to-Peer Cloud Storage Network, which is transparent and immutable. Main difference to is paying for traffic not storage space

The Highlights:
1.Coin has integrated exchange
2. Coin gets revenue participation (24% of all revenues)
3. Extra Booster in interest rate cause only 24 Mio Coins are generated and in year 1-2 only 6 Mio are circulating and getting dividends.
4. Made in germany
5. stock listed company , regulated market FSE
6. Paying dividends means constantly buy back coins, stabilizing coin-value

Please: Visit the online calculator in our Auction and find out, if SC is a fine investment based on your own estimations.
Your feedback is highly welcome: what do we need to explain better, where is our project weak? how could you support us?

Best Regards
Guido Ciburski , CEO
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August 31, 2018, 12:32:18 PM

WILCO !! Thx!!  Grin
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August 31, 2018, 01:41:21 PM


We am managing HARITECOIN. Please join us if you like.
It is pre-sale.
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Enjoy 500% bonus + 70 FS

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August 31, 2018, 11:39:18 PM

Your title only says "[ANN][ICO]" there's a lack portion of the title.

I'm not saying that I endorse your ICO or what, I'm just trying to fix your title and that's the basic of the forum when creating threads.






500% + 70 FS
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September 04, 2018, 04:42:20 PM

OMG :-) Thx! so much, didn`t notice... or it was removed.. ..I fixed it..thx! BR Guido
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September 04, 2018, 11:51:43 PM

OMG :-) Thx! so much, didn`t notice... or it was removed.. ..I fixed it..thx! BR Guido
Your welcome.

I doubt that it was removed, usually mods are removing threads or moving it to the proper place but I rarely see them edit a title. You probably just forgot to put one.






500% + 70 FS
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September 05, 2018, 12:46:25 PM

yes, thats more likely.. :-) here some news of our company..the company receives only 20% of project revenue but faces a 120% increase of share value. We hope that is a good sign for the coin, which receives 80% of the revenues...
here the article:
cherry laurel
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September 07, 2018, 09:52:50 PM

minimum Investment 2000 euro ?
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September 09, 2018, 08:25:47 AM

my got your post on the forum Bitcointalk and it found it really not exist!
All people does not give a interest of it, and you think your advertisements campaign is not good. You can out to a telegram group to chat and a admin multiple experience!
you can be do that, if you want or contact me
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September 10, 2018, 12:41:19 AM

Oh my.

Beware. This company has an impressive history of failing. They're not some new and fancy startup. »TC Unterhaltungselektronik« actually was brought to the German Stock Market in the year 2000 and has been unsuccessfully ever after. Initially investors paid about 15 Euros for a share, now they're down to 0.8 Euros. Do the math and guess what this means for the value of this company and their success in all the time. Correct: there's none.

They like to not give any information at all to their shareholders. Thus the word »fraud« is something TCU heard quite a bit from them.

Being invested here in any way is likely not going to end well for the investor. Nearly everybody has lost money so far.

Also it's quite interesting how they tick. They developed a box called »Fernsehfee« or »TeleFairy« that was supposed to rid of advertising in TV. Well, it was a disaster. That thing was a mess and sales were inexistent. And even the few customers complained a lot, until the forum where support was supposed to happen was finally shut down. Great job!

But that's only half the story. The other part is, that TCU has only one customer. That's right. A company traded at the German Stock Market only has one customer, a single source of income. Even worse: that source is legally located on the Seychelles, making it an obvious shell corporation. And if this contract is canceled TCU goes into instant bankruptcy. Living on the edge newly defined. Bye bye Coins!

But it's getting better: this customer they are developing software for is »OTR«, alias »Online TV Recorder«, recording stuff from TV obviously. And they're selling that service to make money. Legally this is a gray area. Taking stuff from TV stations you have not licensed to sell seems tricky, since they paid for that content somehow and can decide who's allowed to do what with it. Even worse: we remember that TCU developed something, albeit not working very well, to get rid of advertising and denying sources of income for the TV stations. The idea counts here. Like a parasite they always try to harvest money at the disadvantage of others. Isn't there a saying like »don't bite the hand that's feeding you«?

So TCU earns money from TV stations by recording and selling their stuff, half legally at best, and at the same they release something to wipe advertising. Nice move! Making not so much friends with those on which tolerance your very existence depends upon.

It's also worth mentioning that they lost a legal battle with a large TV network (RTL) they sued in the last possible instance. Before that they were bragging about how many millions of Euros the are going to squeeze out of that legal battle. Even when it went on for years without success and any amateur could foresee that this wasn't going to end well for TCU because they were desperately lacking arguments.

Also they have ongoing legal battles with German tax authorities since they seem to have tried to evade payments illegally. And they faked numbers in their annual reports they are obliged to publish since they are publicly traded. For that misdeed an agency called BaFin (»Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht«) is on their heels. So we've got two German agencies that are legally challenging this company. And since TCU is always really low on money and the punishment could be severe this is also a high risk of bankruptcy.

By checking the annual reports (available on you'll notice that at least 30% or more likely 50% of the annual total turnover of the company is used to pay the two members of the board. That's just insane. And telling you what this is all about. Two greedy persons grabbing all the money they can get. Probably your money, if you buy the coin.

They're also known for lying. All the time. Even now. In the papers for the ICO they're telling you that TCU has got >10 developers. Well, in the last financial report issued they were talking about six people. On the quite recently reworked web page they've got seven developers. That's still quite a bit less than >10. So again: a lie. TCU likes to exaggerate. They did this for years and have gotten nowhere.

Also these developers aren't working full time on the project. Even the last project I mentioned earlier (»TeleFairy«) was designed and developed during spare time since the only customer demands most resources. It was a catastrophic failure and just a fatally bad product. 

They tried to raise money at the capital markets by issuing new shares. This failed miserably. Nobody was willing to give them money since they burned all the cash, weren't able to show a single product that's working and never did treat shareholders fairly. Also the stock is trades poorly in general, there's just not enough volume since almost everybody has given up on this fraud.

So here we go now with their »Snowden-Coin«. Their alternative. The name alone is an insult. Snowden believes in something, even if you don't approve his actions or beliefs, and he definitely didn't leak information for money. The platform TCU has in mind is just about piracy and grabbing money. Cheap junk with a big name.

Let's take some illegal content, encrypt it and sell the stuff – that's the idea. We don't own any of that data, we don't even care about it, we are just here to make money when something is downloaded. And it can't be deleted, because we are so clever and this is how blockchains work.

Well. Think further.

I believe that they are going to get into trouble as soon as the first items with child pornography start to appear or just the copyright holders are moving. Just ask Kim Dotcom about them. Even if the files can't be taken down by the system the authorities will definitely target the company behind it. That's TCU. And it's questionable how long this network will last if TCU is gone. Without that the coins will be worthless.

Also there's not much transparency in what TCU is doing. I would only trust things that are open source. But they can't do that because this is all about them making money. So they need an infrastructure they can control. But how to know that not already someone else is with in the boat since you cant check the code? Law enforcement for example.

And what's going to happen with the value of the coin if TCU has been stripped of all computers by a search warrant? I mean they're located in Germany and not some country in the Third World where nobody cares. It's quite easy to figure out who's running the show. And even if their megalomaniacal believe is that they can evade the law: in reality they've always lost their legal battles.

Same concerns exist with bankruptcy. Remember: only one customer is providing all the money to keep this company running and also drains most of the resources. TCU is still beeing constantly low on money, cash grabbing is happening by the board, employees are paid poorly. If TCU goes down so does the whole project. And they are already on the edge at several positions.

I'm not seeing any success here. Only greedy folks with a questionable attitude starting one last attempt to join a hype train with coins and lots of risk for investors.

Do your due diligence. I'm only covering parts of the story here.

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September 10, 2018, 12:04:20 PM

minimum Investment 2000 euro ?

yes, for the 50% round it is 2000€
for 30% discount, minimum is 1000€
for 15% discount, minimum is 500€
for 10% discount, minimum is 200€
for main sale, minimum is 100€
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September 10, 2018, 01:00:31 PM

Dear AppleExtraMile,
nice to see you here and thanks for the Traffic. We know you guy very well from the german share board wallstreet online. Your posts are however a mixture of 50% truth but with false conclusions and 50% untruth..., let me show were you are wrong:

Beware. This company has an impressive history of failing. They're not some new and fancy startup. »TC Unterhaltungselektronik« actually was brought to the German Stock Market in the year 2000 and has been unsuccessfully ever after. Initially investors paid about 15 Euros for a share, now they're down to 0.8 Euros. Do the math and guess what this means for the value of this company and their success in all the time. Correct: there's none.

You "forgot" to mention, that we made our IPO in the middle of the "dotcom" bubble burst 2000. three other IPOs canceled their IPO that day, we not! You "forgot" to mention, that the main drop of the share price was in the first week of IPO due to general drop down of technology values those days.

They like to not give any information at all to their shareholders. Thus the word »fraud« is something TCU heard quite a bit from them.
We are located in the strongest regulation area of the world: GERMANY . We give regular updates to our shareholders, we anser questions to our shareholder even midnight on phone, we have annual meetings, but we never saw you there ?!?! Of course, we don`t give out "insider information" to you, no matter how often you ask ;-) if you want to buy our shares cheaper, keep on bashing.. ;-)

Being invested here in any way is likely not going to end well for the investor. Nearly everybody has lost money so far.
That is also untrue: Share profit 2014->2015  128%
shareprofit 2012->2013  256% ..
however it depends on the time you bought the shares.. don`t blame us for your bad timing. TC is the most volatile share in german market cause very little liquidity, cause long term shareholder keep their shares over decades. From time to time we see some share-hoopers, making fast money on speculations to the best or to the worse (like you) and for some of them it works, if not for you, don`t blame us.

Also it's quite interesting how they tick. They developed a box called »Fernsehfee« or »TeleFairy« that was supposed to rid of advertising in TV. Well, it was a disaster. That thing was a mess and sales were inexistent. And even the few customers complained a lot, until the forum where support was supposed to happen was finally shut down. Great job!
Here you also "forgot" to mention, that this adlocker was HUGE success in 2000 (it was in the news everywhere and sales request was HUGE), but german major broadcaster managed to prevent market introduction over decades. You "forgot" to mention, that it took 14 years to be allowed going on market..what do you think, this means for market succes.. But however, like with our IPO , we kept, what we promised and delivered the product.
But that's only half the story. The other part is, that TCU has only one customer. That's right. A company traded at the German Stock Market only has one customer, a single source of income. Even worse: that source is legally located on the Seychelles, making it an obvious shell corporation. And if this contract is canceled TCU goes into instant bankruptcy. Living on the edge newly defined. Bye bye Coins!
Thats more true, than the words before, but you again "forgot", why we made that software-creating-contract. Just to survive until we got damage claims from german broadcasters, which prevented illegally our market introduction of first tv ad blocker. And the risk to cancel that contract is lower, than you might think. We are running all their websites since 15 years, its our software and even basic technologies is ours. We licensed for example the unique Peer to peer realtime tv distribution software to that customer.

But it's getting better: this customer they are developing software for is »OTR«, alias »Online TV Recorder«, recording stuff from TV obviously. And they're selling that service to make money. Legally this is a gray area. Taking stuff from TV stations you have not licensed to sell seems tricky, since they paid for that content somehow and can decide who's allowed to do what with it. Even worse: we remember that TCU developed something, albeit not working very well, to get rid of advertising and denying sources of income for the TV stations. The idea counts here. Like a parasite they always try to harvest money at the disadvantage of others. Isn't there a saying like »don't bite the hand that's feeding you«?
We cannot confirm your speculation, but in germany as well as in switzerland those services are legal. See BGH (supreme court) speaking 2014. In US Berry Diller startet similar services (Aero TV) but it turned out to be illegal in US. For example there is a legal german service public available doing similar private recordings. So its untrue to name it "gray area".

So TCU earns money from TV stations by recording and selling their stuff, half legally at best, and at the same they release something to wipe advertising. Nice move! Making not so much friends with those on which tolerance your very existence depends upon.
Are you located in media industries and unhappy about those services? Thank you for underlining our reputation doing Yes, we DO NOT cover interest of big media companys. We ae on the other side. Side of "free speech" and supporting customer interst of private copy. We as customers pay with evey single bit of hardware for that right !

It's also worth mentioning that they lost a legal battle with a large TV network (RTL) they sued in the last possible instance. Before that they were bragging about how many millions of Euros the are going to squeeze out of that legal battle. Even when it went on for years without success and any amateur could foresee that this wasn't going to end well for TCU because they were desperately lacking arguments.
?? we succeeded against RTL at the highest german court BGH (similar to US supreme court) wrong facts?

Also they have ongoing legal battles with German tax authorities since they seem to have tried to evade payments illegally. And they faked numbers in their annual reports they are obliged to publish since they are publicly traded. For that misdeed an agency called BaFin (»Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht«) is on their heels. So we've got two German agencies that are legally challenging this company. And since TCU is always really low on money and the punishment could be severe this is also a high risk of bankruptcy.
No one is on our heels :-) You "forgot" to mention that we again succeded in the legal battle against tax authority at our first instance. We are in constant contact with "BaFin", even for the ICO. Nice bashing.

By checking the annual reports (available on you'll notice that at least 30% or more likely 50% of the annual total turnover of the company is used to pay the two members of the board. That's just insane. And telling you what this is all about. Two greedy persons grabbing all the money they can get. Probably your money, if you buy the coin.
Sorry but this is completly wrong. Our salary is public (and unchanged for 18 years!! ), our revenues too. So its simple math were you are wrong :-)  And you "forgot" to mention, that we made a complete salary waiver for several years, when the company was low on cash. We supported our company with private means. So we are gready?

They're also known for lying. All the time. Even now. In the papers for the ICO they're telling you that TCU has got >10 developers. Well, in the last financial report issued they were talking about six people. On the quite recently reworked web page they've got seven developers. That's still quite a bit less than >10. So again: a lie. TCU likes to exaggerate. They did this for years and have gotten nowhere.
Yes, we have >10 developers, but freelancers we don`t put on the website... lying?

Also these developers aren't working full time on the project. Even the last project I mentioned earlier (»TeleFairy«) was designed and developed during spare time since the only customer demands most resources. It was a catastrophic failure and just a fatally bad product. 
:-)) So, if we can develop such a great product in our space time , we are REALLY GOOD ;-) just check out to see, what this app can do for you...Is there any other TV Adblocker on market?  

They tried to raise money at the capital markets by issuing new shares. This failed miserably. Nobody was willing to give them money since they burned all the cash, weren't able to show a single product that's working and never did treat shareholders fairly. Also the stock is trades poorly in general, there's just not enough volume since almost everybody has given up on this fraud.
?? if anybody would have given up, there would be HUGE Volume.. Do you see the contradiction? there is low volume cause only share hoppers ae trading.. real investors keep the shares since years and we support real investors quite very well

So here we go now with their »Snowden-Coin«. Their alternative. The name alone is an insult. Snowden believes in something, even if you don't approve his actions or beliefs, and he definitely didn't leak information for money. The platform TCU has in mind is just about piracy and grabbing money. Cheap junk with a big name.
Cheap junk? did you forget the revenue of the legal service "MegaUpload"? 150Mio? And a "wikileaks for all" is just that, Assange and Snowden are fighting for.

Let's take some illegal content, encrypt it and sell the stuff – that's the idea. We don't own any of that data, we don't even care about it, we are just here to make money when something is downloaded. And it can't be deleted, because we are so clever and this is how blockchains work.
:-) so now I am sure, you are from media industries..:-) sorry again, we fight not for your "Big money"..
I believe that they are going to get into trouble as soon as the first items with child pornography start to appear or just the copyright holders are moving. Just ask Kim Dotcom about them. Even if the files can't be taken down by the system the authorities will definitely target the company behind it. That's TCU. And it's questionable how long this network will last if TCU is gone. Without that the coins will be worthless.
you didn`t understand the system. Even TC is gone, the coin will survive and even the blockchain.. Can you stop bitcoin cause its used for illegal payments?

Also there's not much transparency in what TCU is doing. I would only trust things that are open source. But they can't do that because this is all about them making money. So they need an infrastructure they can control. But how to know that not already someone else is with in the boat since you cant check the code? Law enforcement for example.
Thank you for refering about our history. You did unwillingly a lot for our reputation and made clear on which side of the "battle" we stood and stand for ever. So the risk, that our code has backdoors is low. And since a customer only needs a (faked) email adress, his IP is only visible to a hoster, that hoster doenst know anything about the content an even a given chunk can be used for legal or illegal content, customers here are much savy than in bitcoin itself.

And what's going to happen with the value of the coin if TCU has been stripped of all computers by a search warrant? I mean they're located in Germany and not some country in the Third World where nobody cares. It's quite easy to figure out who's running the show. And even if their megalomaniacal believe is that they can evade the law: in reality they've always lost their legal battles.
:-) again untrue. We always have won our battles... I like your style of making wrong conclusions from right facts or  "forgetting" to mention.. you don`t need to ly. And if the domain is the target, we have already a solution, again unstoppable ;-)

Same concerns exist with bankruptcy. Remember: only one customer is providing all the money to keep this company running and also drains most of the resources. TCU is still beeing constantly low on money, cash grabbing is happening by the board, employees are paid poorly. If TCU goes down so does the whole project. And they are already on the edge at several positions.
Didn´t you see coin distribution? Our budget is covered for years. And if we would want to "pump and dump", we would sale our coins immediatly in a rush like others do and did. No, we sell our coins over 3 years, cause we expect increasing value of coins later, when the blockchain is running. You are talking now over 18 years about our "bankruptcy" but we never did?!?!. We saw a lot of competitors going down next to us, with better cash support from big VC partners. But we survived and I think, we proofed that we stick to our company, which we own for over 50% and is our existence for us and our familys and a lot fun to work hard for it evey day.  

I'm not seeing any success here. Only greedy folks with a questionable attitude starting one last attempt to join a hype train with coins and lots of risk for investors.
Do your due diligence. I'm only covering parts of the story here.
Due diligence is always a good idea. Why don`t you ? :-) Let me hear the rest of your "story" ...

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September 10, 2018, 02:59:43 PM

my got your post on the forum Bitcointalk and it found it really not exist!
All people does not give a interest of it, and you think your advertisements campaign is not good. You can out to a telegram group to chat and a admin multiple experience!
you can be do that, if you want or contact me

How can I contact you? You do not accept messages from forum newbees :-) Best Regards..
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September 10, 2018, 03:57:10 PM

Dear AppleExtraMile,
nice to see you here and thanks for the Traffic. We know you guy very well from the german share board wallstreet online. Your posts are however a mixture of 50% truth but with false conclusions and 50% untruth..., let me show were you are wrong:
Why are you giving such a big fuck then? Looks like a shitty justification  Roll Eyes

Even if 50% is the truth of this post (you said that), I wouldn't invest in such a poorly managed company like yours.

ICO is 100% about trust and after googling your company I can't say you are trustworthy in any way! My german is not the best but I could read that both CEOs are claiming regularly a big part of the companys revenues. Looks very greedy to me and reflects badly on your ICO. For 2017 over 40% of 745k Eur (307k Eur). Why not invest in marketing? You can have a good life in germany with 50k Eur but both took 150k last 3 years...

Btw what is this: we aren't in 1998 anymore, my 10yo son could make a better paper than this trash.
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September 10, 2018, 04:57:31 PM

Why are you giving such a big fuck then? Looks like a shitty justification  Roll Eyes
Why did you read, if not intresting?

Btw: your Activity: 1, Merit: 0 means, you just registered here, just to say that? okay ....

Why did you take 2017 revenues and not 2016 (over 1,2 Mio)?  In 2017 our investment into the new Technology lowered the revenues.
Obviously you don`t know german tax system, cause with 70k/year after tax your suggestion is very close ...
P.S. if you find a CEO working for that salary in Germany PLEASE let me know :-)

any other critics? maybe about the ICO or the product?

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September 10, 2018, 06:44:44 PM

Why are you giving such a big fuck then? Looks like a shitty justification  Roll Eyes
Why did you read, if not intresting?

Btw: your Activity: 1, Merit: 0 means, you just registered here, just to say that? okay ....

Why did you take 2017 revenues and not 2016 (over 1,2 Mio)?  In 2017 our investment into the new Technology lowered the revenues.
Obviously you don`t know german tax system, cause with 70k/year after tax your suggestion is very close ...
P.S. if you find a CEO working for that salary in Germany PLEASE let me know :-)

any other critics? maybe about the ICO or the product?
Is this how you treat potential investors or handle critics? Nice to know  Roll Eyes Now I'm glad I did not invest Smiley

I was interested when I stumbled over Snowden-Coin and your concept yesterday, so I read it. Is it forbidden to do some own research and spread the word? An ICO includes the team or company behind it, so my critics already implicitly covered the ICO Wink

Btw: your english is bad (just to reply to your dull "Activity" argument).

The revenues 2016 doesn't make it better in any way imo, >25% is also a big piece of the cake. Being a CEO doesn't justify a huge salary when you are a bad manager. What about 2015? 291k salary and 322k loss of profit...
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September 10, 2018, 07:16:04 PM

it`s so boring...  I know you guys from spamming the german wallstreet board... so , if its your opinion that CEOs are so bad , how could they show up with such a great technology like Huh ... I did`t hear a bad word about the product itself?  compare it with other zero knowledge networks like and let me know, if UU is great or not ..
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September 10, 2018, 07:23:01 PM

"What about 2015? 291k salary and 322k loss of profit..."
.. the reason for that loss is a special depreciation loss (damage claim), well explained in the annual report... I know, you said before..that kind of spamming is boring..
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September 10, 2018, 08:27:49 PM

Okay, lets keep it simple.

This is how the company is doing:

Umsatz = overall turnover
Gewinn = profit (or loss)

Gehälter = salary of employees (six at that time)
Vorstandsbezüge = salery for the two board members / management

Numbers are for the first half of 2018. They are official and can be found here:

You may learn at least three things here:

Firstly: The management is greedy. Check on older reports and you'll find the same picture. They take away 300.000 Euros away every year. Plus >20.000 for a car. Look at the numbers this company is generating and probably you decide: that's preposterous.

Secondly: Check on what those poor six employees are earning. I mean this is Germany. Do the math how much they get annually. It's a joke. You won't get a good programmer for that salary. Or they'll leave you at first chance.

Thirdly: TCU is in desperate need of money. Thus they'll tell you anything. Stories of success and revenue. Well, they did this before, over and over again, since the beginning. And it never went well for any investor.

These are just facts & plain numbers. And they're not much to be positive about.
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September 10, 2018, 09:09:57 PM

Numbers are for the first half of 2018. They are official and can be found here:
1. Again you have "forgotten" the 100% and 50% salary waiver of the CEOs in the past over years.
2. some of the developers are paid directly from the customer
3. Some of the salarys are in other accounts (external costs) / freelancers / sending bills -> costs

Secondly: You won't get a good programmer for that salary.
Here you are right and at least now, you should recognize, that your math is wrong. See above (2./3.) for the reason.

Thirdly: TCU is in desperate need of money.
as said before, we invested a lot in 2017/18 into and so even forego revenues that desperate? You can read in the annual report, that our cash reserves are well filled and increasing... no problems here, at least much more cash reserves than most startups..We are public listed company so all we do is fully transparent, but even you got all data, you don`t read the numbers correctly..

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