I am much more than using regular stuff as normal humans do then a bitcoin will do. I am mostly on Reddit, trading view and bitcointalk. but I also look for new sites and services related to cryptocurrencies. like I visit a new casino every day and I explore different business ideas in the market.
Cool . I see that you like to explore new sites but arent you afraid ,what if one day you will accidentaly visit a strange website and you didnt know that it was fake ? Just make sure to not invest easily for safety reasons . Reddit and bitcointalk is already a good platform to learn more about cryptocurrencies but id like to recomend bitcointalk more than reddit because reddit is already a general forum and mainly foccuses on everything .
About that, we must know when to use our primary email and forum email. I mean, it maybe looks very complicated. But make different email for primary wallet and forum account like to do bounties and airdrop is good to do.