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Author Topic: CPA Coin CryptoPayAfrica (POW) Crytonight7 NEWCOIN  (Read 27275 times)
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 18, 2018, 06:12:20 PM

Will be posting the weekly update on discord later tonight or early tomorrow

See you all there.
Best Regards
CPA Dev Team

 Grin Grin Grin Grin
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 18, 2018, 07:54:49 PM

It's COMPETITION TIME!! Get your friends to join us on discord! There are BIG prizes up for grabs for the most discord invites:
1st prize: 250 000 coin
2nd prize: 175 000 coin
3rd prize: 100 000 coin

Rules: No spamming channels.
You have to create an invite link that does not expire so we can count the votes when the competition ends /02/12
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 18, 2018, 08:23:55 PM

We will be doing a weekly update every Sunday (Moved from Friday) about what we have done in the week.

Our coin is officially 11 weeks old today.

Windows GUI Wallet Downloaded 754
Linux GUI Wallet Downloaded 108
Windows Simple Wallet Downloaded 122
Linux Daemon Downloaded 225
Miners Downloaded 822

Mining Pool (
Pending Payouts 65 924
Down Time 0 Min (Front end Only down for SSL renewal 30Min)
Users Joining the Pool 88
Highest User count 77

Website received 555 views for the week
Highest visitor count in one day was 75

Network Stats
Height: 69643
Transactions: 41895
Reward: 14279.5296CPA
Supply: 1063497343.26CPA
Emission: 12.5105%

Our nodes has grown from 69-76

Requested LTC listing at PrimeX
Requested listing at FCB (First Crypto Bank)
We completed the workings of our web wallet. We are making it pretty now
We can also be found on
Twitter is booming please join there. We have some interesting people and projects following us. Trading live
Zafridex launch was delayed for 30 days

Competition launched for discord invite see Discord for details
Join our Discord also

As always, happy mining!
Your Dev Team
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 26, 2018, 03:28:00 PM

New CPA Mining Pool -

Low Fees / Stable Server / 100 CPA minimum payouts / Payments every 5 minutes / Dedicated Support with Notification Bots

Mine CPA now with the OptimusBlue Miner

It is now easier then ever to mine CryptoPayAfrica, simply download the OptimusBlue Miner (, select CryptoPayAfrica (CPA), insert your CPA Wallet Address and click Start Mining. Now sit back and watch your hash rate and results in the reports section. This miner is specifically tailored for newcomers buy advanced miners can also benifit from using it. OptimusBlue, you know you want too!
CPA Mining pool based in the EU and in full support of decentralization.

OptimusBlue Miner CryptoNote Mining Simplified - Easy to setup and use for novice and experienced miners alike.- Simply select the coin to be mined, insert your wallet address, select CPU  and/or GPU mining and click start!

Enjoy the GUI Miner
Dev Team
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 26, 2018, 03:52:46 PM

We will be doing a weekly update every Sunday (Moved from Friday) about what we have done in the week.

Our coin is officially 12 weeks old today.

Windows GUI Wallet Downloaded 801
Linux GUI Wallet Downloaded 122
Windows Simple Wallet Downloaded 125
Linux Daemon Downloaded 313
Miners Downloaded 879

Mining Pool (
Pending Payouts 92627
Down Time 0 Min
Users Joining the Pool 74
Highest User count 44

(We have 7 mining pools in total now) Please visit

Website received 394 views for the week
Highest visitor count in one day was 132

Network Stats
Height: 75,206
Transactions: 45,989
Reward: 14,128.817CPA
Supply: 1,142,513,875.47 cpa
Emission: 13.4400%

Our nodes has grown from 76-82

Requested LTC listing at PrimeX (Waiting)
Requested listing at FCB (First Crypto Bank) (Waiting)
We completed the workings of our web wallet. We are making it pretty now(Still making it Pretty)
We are now under OptimusBlue Mining Portfolio.
Happy to say a fellow African running a decentralized mining pool.

GUI miner interface please download and have a look. Hopefully we will get Optimus blue mining community to mine our coin. HAPPY DAYS
Twitter ads active for 2 weeks again.

Zafridex launch was delayed for 30 days

Competition launched for discord invite see Discord for details
Join our Discord also (We need more joiners)

As always, happy mining!
Your Dev Team
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 27, 2018, 05:33:29 PM

Airdrop at
Join now while there is still coins left.
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Activity: 30
Merit: 0

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November 27, 2018, 08:44:16 PM

Why I have error : "transaction size is too big" ?
I have have enough funds (coin) on wallet
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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November 30, 2018, 04:41:41 AM

mixin requires extra coins. Just make it smaller.
Leon22 you are on discord and telegram lots of people will help you. Why are you posting here.

Lady Hashington
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Activity: 16
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December 01, 2018, 02:25:42 PM
 #249 supports CPA coin.
Please consider our pool. We have a 1% charity contribution instead of a pool fee. This charity fund will serve as a  gift to legitmate African continent wide non profit organizations to continue their efforts and good works.
"DO A LITTLE GOOD IN THE WORLD! For yourself and others.
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 03, 2018, 12:20:10 PM

Weekly Update
Our coin is officially 13 weeks old today.

Windows GUI Wallet Downloaded 938 (138 New Windows Wallets Downloaded)
Linux GUI Wallet Downloaded 158
Windows Simple Wallet Downloaded 149
Linux Daemon Downloaded 338
Miners Downloaded 986
We have 10 mining pools in total now) Visit and click on pools

Website received 765 views for the week (Doubled from last week)
Highest visitor count 186

Height: 80 091
Transactions: 49364
Reward: 13 997.7857
Supply: 1 211 211 994.33 CPA
Emission: 14.2481%

Our nodes has grown from 82-91

We completed the workings of our web wallet. Public release this coming Sunday.

Optimus blue mining announcement - new GUI software release. Please update.
The Raisex airdrop was a huge success we gave 4.5 Million coins from our development fund for distribution.
2500 users created wallets and claimed 2000 CPA .
I specially want to thank Telegram Admin - Marshal Merks (Gunblade)
He`s been a key person in our marketing efforts. This man accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. Please see hes effort for last week below.

Mining Stats page

Pools brought in by Marshal

pools in waiting ( should be making pool this month dec) holding round 10k miners a week will add us once we have more miners is going to look into us.

websites with profitability calcs for miners
contacted over 10 none has replied yet ( think half of them arnt even online anymore)

twitter bounty + raisex twitter bounty fully promoted stats to date 02/12/2018
1k comments  1.3k retweets  1.1k likes
miners etnc group joined into the cpa project more miners to follow when they wake up and see pinned message on etnc!
telegram quite successful  79 ppl and counting !
Join our Discord also
Happy mining!
Your Dev Team
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Activity: 55
Merit: 0

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December 03, 2018, 09:27:40 PM

must say we going quite well the more miners the better so when you read this join in project is dedicated to go trough all limits Smiley
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Activity: 55
Merit: 0

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December 06, 2018, 09:31:11 AM
 #252 just been added as pool !
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Activity: 55
Merit: 0

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December 07, 2018, 07:49:34 AM
 #253  just been added    we have a total off 12 pools now Smiley
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 07, 2018, 04:48:30 PM

With the Crypto carnage out there some exchanges have not updated their listing fees (Cheaper to list). Guys if we can get some more donations in we can get listed at higher volume exchange soon. If you have some Doge, LTC or BTC to spare please help us achieve our goal so everyone can benefit  Head on over to our website and click on donations. Thanks for the support..... Your Dev Team
zadomainregister (OP)
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Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 10, 2018, 03:05:27 PM
Last edit: December 10, 2018, 03:56:48 PM by zadomainregister

Weekly Update
Our coin is officially 14 weeks old today.

Windows GUI Wallet Downloaded 1078
Linux GUI Wallet Downloaded 174
Windows Simple Wallet Downloaded 172
Linux Daemon Downloaded 401
Miners Downloaded 1055
We have 12 mining pools in total now) Visit and click on pools

Website received 925 views for the week
Highest visitor count 216

Height: 85,215 (5k Blocks per Week)
Transactions: 60,321(20K transactions for the week)
Reward: 13,861.96
Supply: 1,282,423,592.14 CPA
Emission: 15.0860%

Our nodes has grown from 91-96

Mining Stats page
New Pool
New Pool

pools in waiting still ( should be making pool this month dec) holding round 10k miners a week will add us once we have more miners is going to look into us.

Twitter Stats
10,168 Impressions in 28 Day period (170 Followers)
Mac Release was done WalletD - Simplewallet - Daemon - Miner
Thanks @Maxwell

Telegram group is growing with 97 Followers.... head on over and join

We are working on CoinGecko API. We should have our coin listing done soon.
We are 97% done on web wallet we had lots of delays due to power failures so we are working as hard as we can to get it out.
We added a donation (for exchange listings) on our site. We can now except BTC, LTC and DOGE.
Head on over to our site and click on donations. Help us so we can get listed on higher volume exchanges.

We made a competitions channel in discord go visit and see where you can win some CPA
Join our Discord also

Guys keep in mind we are in December and the entire business world stops for holidays.
We will continue our pursuit for partnerships after the festive season.
We are wishing you all a fantastic season. We will still be here and functioning as much as possible.

Keep safe
Happy mining!
Your Dev Team
zadomainregister (OP)
Offline Offline

Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 18, 2018, 05:44:12 PM

Nice thank you Grin Grin Grin Grin
zadomainregister (OP)
Offline Offline

Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 18, 2018, 07:44:19 PM

Weekly Update
Our coin is officially 15 weeks old yesterday.

Windows GUI Wallet Downloaded 1197
Linux GUI Wallet Downloaded 191
Windows Simple Wallet Downloaded 205
Linux Daemon Downloaded 485
Miners Downloaded 1142
We have 12 mining pools in total now) Visit and click on pools

Website received 939 views for the week
Highest visitor count 256

Height: 91085
Transactions: 69581
Reward: 13707.6696
Supply: 1363316095.25  CPA
Emission: 16.0375 %

Our nodes has grown from 96-104

New Mining Stats pages

We were able to list on coingecko (Important development)

Telegram group is growing with 118 Followers.... head on over and join

We are working on CoinGecko API. We should have our coin listing done soon. (complete)
We are 99% done (we did testing with users they requested more additions)
We added a donation (for exchange listings) on our site. We can now except BTC, LTC and DOGE.
Head on over to our site and click on donations. Help us so we can get listed on higher volume exchanges.

We made a competitions channel in discord go visit and see where you can win some CPA
Join our Discord also We have over 210 users

Guys keep in mind we are in December and the entire business world stops for holidays.

We just want to wish everyone a merry Xmas We will be back in the next year with lots of new goodies and developments.
We will redo the entire GUI wallet for better functionality and styling.

PS We have two more exchanges in our sights so be patient time will reveal.

Keep safe
Happy mining!
Your Dev Team
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Activity: 103
Merit: 0

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December 27, 2018, 09:05:13 AM

When will the normal exchange?
zadomainregister (OP)
Offline Offline

Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 28, 2018, 08:59:23 PM

New mining pool added by
 Smiley Wink Cheesy
zadomainregister (OP)
Offline Offline

Activity: 247
Merit: 10

CPA Coin Developer

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December 30, 2018, 04:09:19 PM

We are now on blockfolio mobile app
 Grin Grin Grin Grin
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