Weekly Update
Our coin is officially 14 weeks old today.
Windows GUI Wallet Downloaded 1078
Linux GUI Wallet Downloaded 174
Windows Simple Wallet Downloaded 172
Linux Daemon Downloaded 401
Miners Downloaded 1055
We have 12 mining pools in total now) Visit
http://blockchain.cryptopay.org.za and click on pools
Website received 925 views for the week
Highest visitor count 216
Height: 85,215 (5k Blocks per Week)
Transactions: 60,321(20K transactions for the week)
Reward: 13,861.96
Supply: 1,282,423,592.14 CPA
Emission: 15.0860%
Our nodes has grown from 91-96 Stats page
https://miningpoolstats.stream/cryptopayafricaNew Pool
https://cpa.multiminer.usNew Pool
https://cpa.cryptomine.cx/pools in waiting still
youpool.io ( should be making pool this month dec)
monero.rocks holding round 10k miners a week will add us once we have more miners
hashvault.pro is going to look into us.
Twitter Stats
10,168 Impressions in 28 Day period (170 Followers)
Mac Release was done WalletD - Simplewallet - Daemon - Miner
Thanks @Maxwell
Telegram group is growing with 97 Followers.... head on over and join
https://t.me/crypto_pay_africaWe are working on CoinGecko API. We should have our coin listing done soon.
We are 97% done on web wallet we had lots of delays due to power failures so we are working as hard as we can to get it out.
We added a donation (for exchange listings) on our site. We can now except BTC, LTC and DOGE.
Head on over to our site and click on donations. Help us so we can get listed on higher volume exchanges.
We made a competitions channel in discord go visit and see where you can win some CPA
Join our Discord also
https://discord.gg/nADjRJTGuys keep in mind we are in December and the entire business world stops for holidays.
We will continue our pursuit for partnerships after the festive season.
We are wishing you all a fantastic season. We will still be here and functioning as much as possible.
Keep safe
Happy mining!
Your Dev Team