I have 2 wallet addresses that are different I think,
I went to transfer the balance from one to the other, its transferred but didn't transfer for some reason
The balances in both accounts are exactly the same, are they linked together then?
Wallet I transferred from 1ESES2xzP9jXEexFEphRDqKVQcEyxapUR7
Wallet transferred to 16oJhUXoFtoYXseWpG1V88yJzQME5SDbVF
please can someone shed some light on this
Those aren't wallets. Those are bitcoin addresses. A wallet can have one
or more bitcoin addresses.
What wallet program where you using to send the bitcoins?
- Armory
- Bitcoin-Qt
- Electrum
- MultiBit
- blockchain.info/wallet
- BitcoinWallet (on android)
- Mycellium
- Some web service such as CoinBase, BitStamp, BTC-e, etc (not actually a wallet)
- Something else I haven't thought to list here
What wallet program were you using to receive the bitcoins (see list above)?