Major Professional Sports Statistics is a special type of data - it is a) seen by millions, b) bet on with billions of dollars, and c) already has decentralized consensus. This data also feeds the 50 billion dollar Fantasy Sports economy. Protoblock incentivezes the distributed community to bring this data into the blockchain by using the data itself to mint Fantasybit. NFL Stats -> Fantasypoints (PPR) -> Fantsaybit
The basic idea is to pay the first person who provides the data after it reaches consensus. The genius solution is to pay all who predict the data accurately. So, we pay you to provide the results data before the game even starts.
1. Making Projections to earn Fantasybits 
Earn your share of 5,000,000 Fantasybit coins from Sept-Dec 2018 by predicting NFL football statistics. Use desktop full-node or mobile light client for instant 1 click copy and send. Then use your skill of predicting American football to earn an even bigger share.
Each week Protoblock players compete by making direct projections for any/all NFL players prior to kickoffs
Rules:1. Projections must be signed with an known account prior to kickoff of each game.
2. As each NFL game is scored, ƑantasyɃit are generated based on the statistics
each "PPR fantasy point" and automatically distributed to Protoblock Players based on accuracy. Each NFK to a known Protoblock app, and "claim your name". This name is an alias to your private-key stored on your machine.
2. At least once a week from week1 (Sept 1) - Week 16 ( Dec 23) , click "Copy-Clone" and hit send. This will create and sign projection transactions for each NFL player.
3. Check back after each game to see your reward!
How to Participate: Selling players on news of injury 
60,000 Fantasybit coins available for watching and reacting to NLF player news. specifically when a player is ruled "out" for the upcoming game, they will score 0 points. You job is to be the first one to "Sell" that player down to 0, in the Protoblock exchange.
Rules:1. User must download app, claim a name, and register for the contest, registration is open though-out the season.
2. 250 Fantasybit will be rewarded to the first user to "sell at 1" - for any player listed as "out" (up to 30,000, while supplies last). This user will also get 1 point for this contest.
3. 30,000 Fantasybit rewarded to players with most points. 15,000 for first place. 10,000 for second place. 5,000 for third place
How to Participate:1. Periodically check player status . , for a player is listed as "out". only QB, RB, WR, TE, and K
2. Open protoblock desktop or mobile app, and place a sell order - Sell 100 at a price of 0!
3. Check twitter to confirm trade at 1 Content Creators Bounty 
4. Marketing Bounty 
25,000 Fantasybit coins available for marketing protoblock through social media. The objective is to market protoblock.
5. Sales Bounty 
Purpose: to incentivise prospecting and working leads and closing
Exchange Listing(s) - 150,000 FB
Affiliate/Partner Signup - 25,000 FB
3rd Party to write feature articles - 10,000 FB
Major blockchain event speaking engagement - 7,500 FB
CoinmarketCap listing - 7,500 FB
White Paper: Code: Post: Video: Protoblock
Desktop Full-Node:
Windows - Mac Mobile Light Client:
Android |