First off I edited the original post to remove the stupid smiley face someone added.
I changed "snear" to "smirk", on the face of the jerk off Mark.
how much did you lose with gox?
and why is this is the alternate cryptocurrency forum?
I didn't lose near as many as some people did, by far. Only a few BTC.
Next, I didn't really take notice of which forum I put this in, The mods can move it if they deem neccessary. I'm sorry it pissed you off.
We just need nr. 3
but my guess is BTC dev is also getting stake of stolen BTCs - otherwise this would be done by 2nd or 3th reported case.
freeze all transactions and BTC adresses after stole and create auth. check for all those claiming this is their money.
BTC dev could also create some kind of auth.check (dont know how and why other than safety) for all those sending lets say 10 BTC and above.(no final confirmation before you identify yourself or sending from identified adress)
(in bank.acc you can not send over 1000 EUR in EU without you are checked in background.
but in BTC you can send/get 500 BTC to anyone .just like that (even you have stolen them, make kill for this, sold drugs etc)
Guess what dev.? if this is not done by you - gov. all over world will do this in near future in really hard way.!
You are correct, in my opinion, but I don't know what nr.3 is.
You seem to have completely misunderstood how the bitcoin system works.
What you are proposing simply isn't possible.
There are no wallets or accounts. Only inputs with an associated public key (often called an address). A wallet is a high-level construct purely defined and handled by your wallet software. In its simplest form, it is a collection of public and private keys (addresses and the keys needed to spend them).
Then maybe everyone should stop calling them wallets and using a wallet as a graphic and just start calling them a public key. As I understand it, the KEY is just your password (encrypted) used to keep your WALLET safe, and yes, it takes the "key" to spend them but it doesn't to collect them, just the "address" of the WALLET. Maybe I misunderstood what you said and everyone else is wrong and you are the only one right. Yes a wallet has an address in it, but it is CALLED A WALLET. I have many addresses in my WALLETS, one for each POOL I mine in, for that particular coin, no one pool has a lock on a particular WALLET.
A wallet is a high-level construct purely defined and handled by your wallet software
Or have I been reading the name wallet wrong all these years and it really says "address" and that graphic when they start up is actually a mail box with an address on it, and I am just seeing it wrong, too. You edit or change the name of the address associated wth the wallet, or are all of these programs I have on my computer wrong, too?
Like the wallet in my back pocket, with different credit cards in it. Each has an address on it, but they are all still in ONE WALLET!!!
It should be. Wallets are just a random number generated for security, and to make your wallet unique from somone else's. If not ,then show me the list where I can choose my wallet number, so I can go and pick which ones I want. When you use that number it tags you to the wallet, not your name, but you, your isp, etc. Otherwise how does it know how to find your wallet when you get a payout?
It doesn't matter what other coins are in that wallet, or who owns the wallet, it is the wallet of the thief. PERIOD, or would you like me to believe it was just sent to any old wallet number. If they have more coins in it, too fucking bad. They are still the thief to whom the btc was sent, or part of the thieving group, etc.
Or would you have us believe the thief just put the btc on someone else's wallet for safe keeping until he/she/it can steal it back from that wallet, too? Not likely.
BTC are transferred by changing the btc from one wallet to another, ()or maybe I should say wallet ADDRESS to another wallet ADDRESS) and apparently the blockchain traces all transactions to and from wallet ADDRESSES. So you know if they transfer them between other wallet ADDRESSES, so lock out all wallet ADDRESSES associated with the thief, period. Anyone associated with these wallet ADDRESSES face having their entire btc locked out ,not just what they stole.
Use your head, give them a choice not to steal or face the black list and then they would have to go to court to have them unblocked and then you have your thief, or thieves, or part of the scam, once again.
Once again, So, now, you know the wallet ADDRESS number, you don't have to know who is behind it, just lock out the wallet or wallets ADDRESSES. Make the thief either let them go, or claim them (or file for them in court) before a time period (say 30 days) is up. If he/she/it claims them, then you have your thief, and off to jail they go. If not, they get donated to charity. Plain and simple. This keeps the btc community safe and happy.
You steal, we trace and lock you out. You try to claim them, we catch you and put you in jail, and make a punk out of you. You try and scatter them all around, we lock all of you out, and you all lose your btc. Throw some gas in the den and flush out all of the thieves involved, or let them get set on fire and burn up in the den.
Like the man said, if you don't regulate this and enforce it, then the government will step in and do it for you. How many times do you think this will this happen before the US government steps in? Not many..........
How long it takes to find out how much coins are missing? A day or two, a week? No.
Mtgox suspended withdraw on feb 4. and claim to noticed it at 24. Feb. Its 20 days and they still do not know exact numbers!!
MTGox former statements are relevant to an investigation. i.e. what did they know - did they lie. Plus, it's not the only thing that got deleted. i.e. check for . And i'm sure lots of internal documents will have been not only deleted, but hard discs completely wiped. Checking all your storage and all hard discs to wipe them takes a few days. Days that were given to MTGox.
So this is either a move of authorities to catch them wiping data or authorities are even less capable than MTGox.
This is what makes Mr. Mark liable for his actions. He knew about it, but did nothing, or was compliscent in it and has the wallet numbers some where to confiscate some time in the future.
Deleting his twitter means deleting evidence, that's utterly ridiculous, what kind of evidence did you see there?
It doesn't matter what "I" saw, period.
do you think he deleted this for no reason? Don't treat us as stupid as Mr. Mark is. There was something in his tweets, going back far before the february incident, or he wouldn't have removed them.
Twitter has a record of them, somewhere, I am willing to bet. Get a court order for twitter and see what he deleted. I am willing to bet there is something there, even if it is only to show his complete ignorance or his complete lack of security and his knowledge of what was going on and he didn't do shit to fix it.
He stated it was going on for 2 years and he didn't fix it.
If it were YOU and YOU were making millions of dollars/yen, what ever, and you knew you had a security concern, would YOU let it go on for years and let your company go down the tubes, knowing you would be liable in court and lose all of your money, period? Are YOU saying YOU wouldn't notice your funds dwindling over a 2 year period? Are you that blind?
Now say yes and show us how stupid you really are.
I know "I" would have fixed it in a new york minute. I WANT those millions people are giving me, just for exchanging their coins into cash. Right up to the time it becomes billions.
The fact that the Japanese government has let him roam free to wipe discs and other things (his trail as you call it), shows their ignorance, or unwillingness to catch this jerk in his own pile of shit lies.
With half a BILLION dollars, plus 250 MILLION of his own money at stake, how many officials do you think he can pay off to either act ignorant or look the other way?
See that SMIRK on his face? Do you think he ISN'T trying to get away with something?
Even the THOUGHT of letting him open another exchange or re-open his after making a HALF BILLION dollar mistake is ludicrous.
He has already committed a felony by US standards and would not be allowed to even get close to another exchange and pull this shit again. much less open one nd or run it, in the first place.
The asswipe takes out 7-8% of all btc out there and we are just supposed to shrug it off, laugh and have a beer?
Go let your cat run all over your keyboard and piss on everything like the fucking idiot you are Mark. How can this fucking idiot be able to run a world class organization and can't even get his own shit together enough to have his fucking house cleaned and get that stupid fucking cat off the fucking keyboard, so he can do his work?
Again, he is no fucking genius, he is just a fucking liar and thief, and a dumb fucking ass. Who the fuck rated him at 190 in the first place, himself? Probably!
he needs to be taught a lesson by the infamous "caner". A few whacks with that cane wouldn't hurt, right before they send his ass off to jail for life or 20-30 years and confiscate everything he has, including his stupid fucking cat.
The japanese government is right behind him, too.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
is right.........
edited a couple of times for spelling errors. I might not have caught them all.
and you can understand WALLET to mean "wallet address" if you like.
Addresses are stored in WALLETS.
so you can lambaste me for using wallet as synonymous with "address" if the wallet has only one "address" in it, if you want. 9 out of 10 people would have known what I meant.
Even if the thief changes the BTC from one address to another, it may still be in the same WALLET, but not neccessarily so.
Once you know the original ADDRESS to whom the coins were sent (the thiefs), then buy god, block the motherfucker from making any further transactions from that ADDRESS.
Chances are the cocksucker has already scattered them around, but you still have a chance of locking the remainder out of the system. Look at the SIZE of any transactions from the ADDRESS of the thief. If they were large, then lock out the recipient of the large transaction, too, until they verify they are entitled to them. All they have to do is show proof of i.d. like the rest of us have to at any exchange. Then their name is in the system and if they do this again, you will show a transaction trail to the thieves.
ALL of this is "iffy" at best, but at least the Bitcoin Foundation is not a bunch of idiots sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing, with their hand out, getting paid for nothing. At least you might stand a fucking chance of getting your coins back from the cocksucking, fucking dickhead thieves.