Maybe this information is useful for a beginner.
1.Crypto Exchange Telegram Channels (Kucoin, Binance, HitBtc and others) As we know that Telegram is full of scammers who try to scam you, I want to show you something more detailed how it looks.
I Joined Kucoin Telegram channel and then asked for help.
And right after a few minutes I received private messages from fraudsters who pretended to be Kucoin admins. Mostly they are Indians.
It's not just Kucoin, but with other Telegram channels (exchanges) too, I've already tested it. I guess this is the most popular scheme. It was pretty Fun.

2. Ico Telegram channels. (After token sale) Joined Ubex (Token sale is over) telegram channel and got some private messages from scamers, asking me to send eth or btc to unknown adress.
Even after token sale. Almost the same was on Ubcoin telegram group. I knew they were scamers but wanted to see how far they were about to go.
They use several telegram accounts. Be Careful!

And here is other conversation with scamer who pretended to be Kucoin admin too. -Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminHello Alex
What’s the issue with your account
-AlexI have 4 bitcoins in there, cant to withdraw , error- cant withdraw btc at this moment
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminAlright sir
I would help you out with the account issue
Where are you from sir ?
-AlexNot important where i m from
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminWe need to be sure if it’s not your ip location issue sir
-AlexOk then nevermind
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminHold on sir
I would be helping you out with the withdrawal process
Checking up your registered mail on our database sir
Your funds can get temporary blocked
It’s due to account glitches
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminAre you there sir
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminI would give you instructions for this issue sir
Please you have to work with me Alright
-AlexOk, ok
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminWe try to improve our customer relationship on our exchange
Thank you sir
-AlexSo what i need to do? Tell me faster
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminOfcourse sir
Kindly log on your account
-AlexIm in now
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminAnd stay logged in there
Where do you intend to make the withdrawal too sir
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminYour account encountered a down hitting the hash script due to service error and glitch.. your account has been temporarily placed on hold to avoid loss of funds. You have to unblock and verify with a rectifying wallet for authentication of account. The rectifying wallet is to reset your account which will be added to your balance immediately after activation as the rectifying wallet will be linked to your account . You will receive your G-authentication code immediately after activation in your mail.
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminPlease read carefully
You would have to activate the rectifying wallet I would link to your mail now
For your withdrawal issue to show up
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminWhere do you to intend withdraw the funds to sir
-AlexWhat? To my other wallet
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminIs it an exchange or blockchain wallet sir ?
-AlexBlockchain wallet
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminGood
Log on the blockchain wallet
Am sure you have bitcoin in there sir
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminWhich you will used for the rectifying wallet activation for your account
0.5 btc would be needed for this activation sir
-AlexOh hold on . All fixed, now i can withdraw btc from kucoin. It not showing error anymore
I guess
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminYes I worked this out for your account
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminVery good
Now you would have to make the security top up for your account
-AlexNo need, i can withdraw bitcoins now:) no errors anymore
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminSo your account would be backed up alright
-AlexAll fixed clay:)
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminGood
Now you must do the last process alright
-AlexWhat process?
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminThe withdrawal issue would reoccur again
It’s a very simple process
I would create the security top up address for your account
Which you would make a revert deposit of 1 btc into it immediately understood
-AlexOoh ok. How i can top up?
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminNote that once the security has been topped up now
Your account would have been fully back up alright
-AlexHow much i need to send?
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminAnd would test up alright
1 btc Alright
Hold on sir
Now proceed the deposit to the security top up address linked to your mail for the top up phase process
Proceed now and get me notified sir
-AlexOooh crap... lol. I was on Binance, lol
I need to contact binance admins. Fuck, u are from Kucoin
My bitcoins is in Binance
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminAlright
We also have affiliation with binance customer service alright
But everthing working fine in binance
Thanks for helping
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminWe would direct you to the binance officials Alright
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminSame issue with some of your clients on kucoin accounts alright
So they can take up the security top up process for your account
Outgoing Call
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminHold on sir
-AlexAll fixed. Binance working fine for me:)
Clay coughlan KuCoin Admin
Now message @binance014
-Alex OvecAll fixed. Binance working fine for me:)
Yes ofcourse we contacted the support
That worked up the issue
-AlexNo need i guess, everything working good there
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminListen sir
Issues reoccurs
So it’s best you finalize it permanently okay
-AlexI think i will be good:) theres no errors
Got 5 btc there and succesfully withdraw 3 now
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminFirstly message to reconfirm this alright @binance014
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminJust for clarity alright sir
-AlexYou think i am stupid? you scamer
-Clay coughlan KuCoin AdminFuck u