So, before a few days, I saw
this reply in
my thread about the excessive spam in Bitcoin Discussion board which caught my attention, and I replied to him asking, "Doesn't a thread gets hidden when you ignore the person who has started it?" And he said, "No". So, I started to wonder how helpful it would be for each one of us if there was a feature like that. I tried to search if there is something about it, and I found this:
Ignore threads - user script by
NLNicoThe work he did is actually commendable. He has created this script so that people could use it to "ignore" the spam threads in Gambling section at that time (it was created in 2016) when there wasn't a Gambling Discussion sub-board available. What the script does is it provides a Minus (-) button at the end of the title of each thread of the board you open. If you click that button, the thread turns into a different state, just like how a thread looks when it is "Moved" to a different section. After clicking the button, it changes to a Plus (+) which would bring the thread back to its original state once clicked.
The script actually does the work of ignoring a thread you don't want to open in future, but what it doesn't do is that the thread would still show up in the same place where it should be. Means, it would still be on the top of the list if it gets a reply from another user, which would fill up the complete first page with the "ignored threads" of yours if they are all actively getting replies, and that is where I want to suggest what I have in my mind.
Now when we ignore a user, it only hides the posts he made, which would only work if he is only doing replies. But if he has also started some threads himself, ignoring him doesn't hide the entire threads automatically. I want it to work like that, like if we ignore a user, all the topics he has started should get hidden for us along with his replies in other topics. That would make it very much easy for us to ignore a lot of spam megathreads in some sections which would only require ignoring a single person, the one who started it, and we would not have to see that thread again.
I don't really see any flaws in applying this function/feature. Let me know if there can be any.
Suggestions are appreciated.